
流行音乐学院(Popular Music Conservatory)是一门商业和现代音乐课程,为才华横溢、充满热情的学生提供一个培养和授权的环境,促进流行音乐界的音乐创造力、音乐合作和创新。学生通过详细的课程和先进的技术,学习音乐表演、音乐制作、编曲和歌曲创作的艺术。  


In the Popular Music Conservatory, students are immersed in a challenging environment where they learn to work individually and collaboratively. Each year, they take a class in each of five focus areas: primary instrument, music theory, performance, music tech/recording, and more. The unique facilities that the program gives students access to allows for a broad but refined curriculum that covers theory, music business, musicianship, basic instrument and voice training, studio skills, and ensemble. Students are exposed to renowned guest artists, university faculty, and industry leaders, who visit the school’s campus to share their expertise and creativity through master classes, lectures, performances, presentations, and hands-on training. In this environment, students are given the skillsets and knowledge necessary to create and produce thoughtful and technically sound music with the freedom to find their own creative voice – whether it be playing an instrument, working the soundboard, managing independent artists, or singing lead for a band.

  • "敬业的教师和充满热情的学生为我创造了一个能让我有机地成长为艺术家的环境,让我有信心在更高层次上追求音乐"。
    凯特琳-墨菲 - 2015 级
  • "老师们太棒了!他们拥有丰富的实际经验,关心每一个人。他们总是给我们传授技巧,帮助我们成为更好的音乐家"。
    维多利亚-麦克德莫特 - 2016 级


