OCSA 的 CEEB 代码是 053266

ACT 和 SAT 模拟测试

OCSA Counselors recommend that all Sophomores (Grade 10) and Juniors (Grade 11) take the practice ACT (PreACT) and SAT (PSAT) exams in order to identify which one they prefer and/or perform better on. These exams are not offered to middle school students.

OCSA 在秋季单独提供 PreACT 和 PSAT 模拟考试。 这些考试的分数报告会在一月份分发给学生。我们鼓励学生和家长届时参加我们一年一度的 "ScorePassBack Night"。如需在 OCSA 注册模拟考试,请在MySchoolBucks 上注册。

ACT 和 SAT:大学入学考试

OCSA Counselors recommend that all Grade 11 students take their first “real” test of their choice (ACT or SAT) during the spring of their junior year. This gives them the most time and exposure to their academic curriculum and also gives them time to get their scores back before going into senior year. Please note, the last time to sit for either the ACT or SAT is the December test date of senior year.

如需报名参加官方 ACT 或 SAT 考试(校外),请访问官方考试网站。*请注意,OCSA 不是官方 ACT 或 SAT 考试的考点

大学先修课程 (AP) 考试

OCSA 辅导员建议学生在五月份参加在 OCSA 完成的任何 AP 课程的 AP 考试。有关 AP 课程和考试的更多信息,请点击此处。