
Zoe McCuen(19岁)在奥兰治县博览会上的油画作品获得了蓝丝带,水彩画作品获得了红丝带。


Ethan Leung(DM,23岁)被加州艺术暑期学校(CSSSA)的动画专业录取。

Zoe McCuen(DM,19岁)为《Kid and the Magic Orb》一书绘制了插图,该书现已在亚马逊上市。佐伊还在加州艺术学院的博客上发表了一篇文章。



Patrick Williams, Director of Design & Media, forged a partnership with HyperX to support and encourage the growth of the Esports program at OCSA. HyperX donated gaming peripherals like keyboards, mice, mousepads, and headsets. OCSA students will now have access to cutting-edge technology to aid them as they compete against other schools. To read the official press release, please visit http://bwnews.pr/3vvpHg2