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  • 橙县纪事报》宣布了第九届年度艺术家奖的提名者,包括来自多个音乐学院的OCSA学生。
    0 1088 Like 0 people like this


    Sofia De Luna (DM, '22)
    Juliana Jarvis (DM, '22)
    Elise Maniquis-Dormitorio (DM, '22)
    Hannah Miller (DM. '22)
    Megan Mo (DM, '22)

    Graphic Design and Digital Illustration
    Josh Nguyen (FTV, '22)

    Photography (Film and Digital)
    Soren Almeida (FTV, '22)


    Danielle Silver (CMD, '22)
    Reagan Vallejo (IA, '22)

    Emmy Cheung (CMD, '22)
    Nicole Frias Lugo (BCD, '22)
    Alisa Nguyen (BCD. ' 23)'23)
    Amelie Jolie Vidrio (BCD, '22)

    Hannah Ayala (BR, '23)
    Mia Amaris Lopez (BF, '23)
    Joshua Qin (BD, '23)
    Hana Uehara (BR, '23)
  • 橘郡纪事报》公布了第八届年度艺术家奖的半决赛名单
    0 739 Like 0 people like this
    奥兰治县纪事报》公布了第八届年度艺术家奖的获奖者、入围者和半决赛者名单,奥兰治县学生会今年在七个艺术类别中获得了五个奖项!年度艺术家 "计划旨在表彰全县在艺术领域取得成就的优秀学生。


    Reagan Vallejo (IA, '22)

    Emmy Cheung (CMD, '22)
    Alisa Nguyen (BCD, '23)

    Joshua Qin (BR, '23)
    Hana Uehara (BR, '23)


    Justin Shin (FTV, '22)

    Maggie Ding (FTV, '22)
    Alexis Ai Macdonald (FTV, '22)
    Nona Nishigawara (FTV, '22)
  • Ethan Baker 在青少年 14 岁花剑比赛和橙海岸分部夏季全国锦标赛预选赛中获得银牌
    0 623 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Ethan Baker 在青少年 14 岁花剑比赛和橙海岸分部夏季全国锦标赛预选赛中获得银牌
    Ethan Baker(内务部,26 年级)在青少年 14 岁花剑比赛和橙色海岸分部夏季全国锦标赛预选赛中获得银牌。伊桑被选中参加 7 月举行的 2022 年美国击剑全国锦标赛。
  • OCSA 学生参加加利福尼亚州戏剧节并获奖
    0 690 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生参加加利福尼亚州戏剧节并获奖

    Gai Jones Senior Honor Thespian Scholarship:
    Ethan Gray (ACT, '22)

    Thespy Award Winners:

    Solo Musical
    第一名:Brooklyn Vizcarra (MT, '22)

    第一名:Meghan Barton (MT, '23) 和 Ella Gibson (PM, '23)

    第二名:Kaya Sparnicht (ACT, '25)

    最高分(Thespy Superior):

    Meghan Barton (MT, '23)
    Samantha Divis (MT, '25)
    Mia Geise (MT, '24)
    Ella Gibson (PM, '23)
    Daniel Grossgold (IA, '24)
    Chloe Ness (MT, '24)
    Erin Tardibuono (MT, '25)
    Brooklyn Vizcarra (MT、
    Landon Wouters (MT, '22)

    Duet Musical
    Meghan Barton (MT, '23)
    Ella Gibson (PM, '23)
    Brooklyn Vizcarra (MT, '24)
    Landon Wouters (MT, '22)

    Solo Monologue
    Isabella Lloyd (IA, '25)
    Kaya Sparnicht (ACT, '25)
  • 橘郡纪事报》公布了第八届年度艺术家奖的半决赛名单
    0 666 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    奥兰治县纪事报》公布了第八届年度艺术家奖的获奖者、入围者和半决赛者名单,奥兰治县学生会今年在七个艺术类别中获得了五个奖项!年度艺术家 "计划旨在表彰全县在艺术领域取得成就的优秀学生。


    London San Luis (DM, '23)
    Xiaowei (Sophia) Wang (VA, '22)


    Xingyao Li (IM, '22)
    Sein Yun (IM, '22)


    Classical Voice
    Mia Paris Baron (CV, '23)

    Commercial Voice
    Ava Ulloa (PM, '22)
  • Gabriella Saraivah 在《Tudo Igual... SQN》中饰演主角 Carol。SQN "中的卡罗尔一角。
    0 583 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Gabriella Saraivah 在《Tudo Igual... SQN》中饰演主角 Carol。SQN "中的卡罗尔一角。
    加布里埃拉-萨拉瓦(Gabriella Saraivah,内科学院,23 年级)被选中出演《Tudo Igual... SQN》中的女主角卡罗尔。SQN "中的女主角卡罗尔,该剧即将在 Disney+ Brasil 上映。
  • OCSA 学生获得 2022 年 "Show Out "舞蹈比赛青少年组第一名
    0 627 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生获得 2022 年 "Show Out "舞蹈比赛青少年组第一名
    Edward Chen(IA,'24)、Jasmine Lee(CMD,'26)、Zoe Sharek(IA,'22)、Devin Vo(IA,'26)和 Jadon Vo(CMD,'25)作为hip-hop比赛团队Gravy Babies的成员,在加州埃尔卡洪举行的2022年Show Out舞蹈比赛中获得了青少年组第一名,并在成人组和青少年组的所有参赛团队中获得了最高分。
  • 卢克-威廷被洛杉矶格莱美博物馆录取并参加了夏季歌曲创作和表演讲习班
    0 460 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Luke Witting(23 年,IA)被洛杉矶格莱美博物馆录取并参加了歌曲创作和表演暑期班,在那里他向业内专业人士学习,并与来自大洛杉矶地区的其他高中生合作。
  • 阿什利-霍奇在音乐室表演艺术学校演出的《小美人鱼》中饰演女主角艾莉儿
    0 469 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    阿什利-霍奇(Ashley Hodge,IA,23 级)在音乐室表演艺术学校(The Music Room School of Performing Arts)演出了《小美人鱼》中的主角艾莉儿。
  • 雷米-霍尔(Remy Hall)因在埃德尔小学的手球场上绘制壁画而被《奥兰治县纪事报》报道
    0 472 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    雷米-霍尔(Remy Hall)因在埃德尔小学的手球场上绘制壁画而被《奥兰治县纪事报》报道
    雷米-霍尔(IA,22 年级)在亨廷顿海滩的埃德尔小学手球场上绘制了一幅壁画,《奥兰治县纪事报》对此进行了报道。
  • 克莱尔-墨菲在凯利-科里根的播客 "凯利-科里根的奇思妙想 "中介绍了她的写作。
    0 463 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    克莱尔-墨菲在凯利-科里根的播客 "凯利-科里根的奇思妙想 "中介绍了她的写作。
    克莱尔-墨菲(Clare Murphy,内科学院,23 年)的文章在凯利-科里根的播客 "凯利-科里根的奇迹 "中播出。
  • OCSA 的学生获得了美国大学理事会四个表彰项目中的两个项目颁发的 "国家表彰项目奖"。
    0 566 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA 的学生获得了美国大学理事会四个表彰项目中的两个项目颁发的 "国家表彰项目奖"。
    以下学生获得了美国大学理事会四个表彰项目中的两个项目颁发的 "国家表彰项目奖",该项目旨在表彰他们的学业成绩以及在 PSAT/NMSQT、PSAT 10 和/或 AP 考试中的突出表现。

    Kayalani Degrave (MT, '23)
    Ayanna Dowell (CMD, '23)
    Aurelia Philmore (BD, '24)

    Sabrina Aguilar (DM, '23)
    Maya Bleszinski (MT, '23)
    Analise Delp (CW., '24) Maya Ferch、
    Maya Ferchaw (ACT, '24)
    Abril Garcia (CW, '23)
    Mia Guillen (IA, '23)
    David Llenderrozos (CW, '23)
    Alexa Nunez Magana (MT. '23) Ava Tello (MT. '23)
    Ava Tello (ACT, '24)
    Arianna Torres (CW, '23)
    Candace Ramirez (VA, '23)
    Sophia Ruiz (MT, '23)
  • OCSA 学生入围国家优秀奖学金半决赛
    0 572 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生入围国家优秀奖学金半决赛

    Ashley Hodge(IA,23 岁)
    Yoojung (Sally) Jang(CW,23 岁)
    Yoojin Jo(IM,23 岁)
    Amber Khauv(CW,23 岁)
    Grant Li(CW、
    Sarah Parigela (IM, '23)
    Joshua Qin (BD, '23)
    Clara Son (CW, '23)
    Allison Wong (CW, '23)
    Evan Wu (IM, '23)
  • Lauren Chudner 和 Faith Hochgesang 在 2022 年 AP Research 考试中均获得满分
    0 475 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Lauren Chudner 和 Faith Hochgesang 在 2022 年 AP Research 考试中均获得满分
    Lauren Chudner(弗吉尼亚州,23 岁)和 Faith Hochgesang(内华达州,23 岁)在 2022 年 AP Research 考试中均获得满分。在大约 29000 名参加考试的学生中,只有 306 名学生在论文、演讲和口头答辩中获得了满分。这些学生正式跻身于得分最高的 1%研究人员行列。
  • Thea Larsen 在 CACESF 作文比赛中获得第一名,并被评为 CACESF 奖学金州冠军
    0 480 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Thea Larsen 在 CACESF 作文比赛中获得第一名,并被评为 CACESF 奖学金州冠军
    Thea Larsen(内务部,23 年级)在加州收藏家协会教育奖学金基金会 (CACESF) 征文比赛中从 1700 多名申请者中脱颖而出,获得第一名,并被评为 CACESF 奖学金州冠军。
  • Kalia Lagbao 被选中在美国男孩女孩俱乐部太平洋地区会议上表演
    0 466 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Kalia Lagbao 被选中在美国男孩女孩俱乐部太平洋地区会议上表演
    Kalia Lagbao(内务部,27 年)被选中在亨廷顿海滩举行的美国男孩女孩俱乐部太平洋地区会议上表演。
  • OCSA 学生因其艺术成就被美国国家青年艺术基金会评为 2023 年青年艺术奖得主
    0 208 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生因其艺术成就被美国国家青年艺术基金会评为 2023 年青年艺术奖得主
    以下学生因其艺术成就被美国国家青年艺术基金会评为 2023 年度青年艺术奖得主。各级 YoungArts 获奖者均可获得 100 美元至 10,000 美元不等的现金奖励。所有青年艺术决赛入围者还将受邀参加 "全国青年艺术周"(National YoungArts Week)活动,在活动中与同龄人合作,并与各自领域的国际知名领袖一起发展自己的艺术。

    Edward Chen (IA, '24) - 舞蹈(街舞)
    Hannah Cho (IM, '25) - 古典音乐(双簧管)
    Amy Jong (IM, '24) - 古典音乐(大提琴)
    Caroline Kim (VA, '25) - 设计艺术
    Ashley Park (CW, '23) - 写作(口语)
    Joan Park (PM, '23) - 声乐(流行乐)

    David Du(FTV,'24)--电影(动画)
    Ella Gibson(PM,'23)--声乐(流行乐)
    Olivia Le(CW,'25)--写作(口语)
    Amelie Muro(FTV、电影(实验)
    Ava Ulloa (PM, '22) - 声乐(流行乐)
    Jocelyn Wang (PM, '23) - 声乐(创作歌手)

    Caleb Empig(IM,'23)--古典音乐(钢琴)
    Heather Kim(IM,'24)--古典音乐(长笛)
    Katerina Malabarba(CW,'24)--写作(小说)
    Maraia Mariselli(PM)--声乐(创作歌手)
    Mehra Marzbani(ACT、
    Nathan Tatsuta (IM, '24) - 爵士乐(钢琴)
    Ava Ulloa (PM, '22) - 声乐(爵士乐)
    Cheungwan Wang (VA, '23) - 视觉艺术
  • 艾弗里-米兹拉希(Avery Mizrahi)被评为加州大学洛杉矶分校国家科学基金会研究员,她在会上介绍了自己的初步研究,该研究希望找到阿尔茨海默病的生物标志物。
    0 483 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    艾弗里-米兹拉希(Avery Mizrahi)被评为加州大学洛杉矶分校国家科学基金会研究员,她在会上介绍了自己的初步研究,该研究希望找到阿尔茨海默病的生物标志物。
    艾弗里-米兹拉希(Avery Mizrahi,IA,24 年级)被加州大学欧文分校评为国家科学基金会研究员,她在那里展示了自己的初步研究,希望找到阿尔茨海默病的生物标志物。艾弗里是一批本科生研究员中的一员,这些研究员暑期从全国各地飞来,与明星导师一起在不同的神经科学实验室工作。
  • 橘郡纪事报》公布了第 10 届年度艺术家奖的半决赛名单
    0 462 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    橘郡纪事报》公布了第 10 届年度艺术家奖的半决赛名单
    橘郡纪事报》公布了第十届年度艺术家奖的获奖者、入围者、半决赛者和提名者名单。今年,奥兰治县学生会在七个艺术类别中产生了两名获奖者,以及许多入围者、半决赛者和被提名者!年度艺术家 "计划旨在表彰全县在艺术领域取得成就的优秀学生。



    Michelle Cheng (CMD, '23)
    Jonah Smith (CMD, '23)

    Courtney Chiu (BCD, '23)

    Faith Aguilar (CMD, '23)
    Edward Chen (IA, '24)

    Mia Amaris Lopez (BF、'23)

    Film and Television

    Zen Sing Thai (FTV, '23)

    Film Directing
    Jordan Held (FTV, '23)

    Promo/Commercial Making
    Evan Padilla (FTV, '23)

    Fine Arts

    Chelsea Lee (VA.)'24)

    Alison Amber Lee (VA, '23)

    London San Luis (DM, '23)
    Cheungwan (Amy) Wang (VA, '23)
    Melody Wu (VA, '24)


    Nathan Tatsuta (IM, '24) - 钢琴

    Lucie Kim (IM、钢琴

    Heather Kim (IM, '24) - 长笛
    Damian Paul (IM, '24) - 打击乐


    Ava Diaz (DM, '24)
    Fatima Mai (VA, '24)

    Ethan Situ Leung (DM, '23)
    Vicky H. Nguyen (DM, '24).Nguyen (DM, '23)

    Motion Graphics and Animation
    David Du (FTV, '24)


    Ava DeVoe (ACT, '24)
    Elora Sparnicht (CW, '23)


    Classical Voice
    Mia Baron (CV、
    Lilliana Mindel (CV, '24)
    Viveka Saravanan (CV, '23)

    Ella Gibson (PM, '23)

    Sophia Ruiz (MT, '23)
  • 橘郡纪事报》公布了第 10 届年度艺术家奖提名名单
    0 442 喜欢 有0人喜欢这个
    橘郡纪事报》公布了第 10 届年度艺术家奖提名名单
    橘郡纪事报》公布了第十届年度艺术家奖的获奖者、入围者、半决赛者和提名者名单。今年,奥兰治县学生会在七个艺术类别中选出了两名获奖者,以及许多入围者、半决赛者和被提名者!年度艺术家 "计划旨在表彰全县在艺术领域取得成就的优秀学生。



    Commercial Dance
    Michelle Cheng (CMD, '23)
    Jonah Smith (CMD, '23)

    Concert Dance
    Courtney Chiu (BCD, '23)
    Aarilyn Lee (CMD, '23)
    Daniella Morales (BCD, '24)
    Alisa Nguyen (BCD, '23)

    Faith Aguilar (CMD. '23) Edward Chen IA、'23)
    Edward Chen (IA, '24)

    Saira Galilea Arias (BF, '23)
    Hannah Ayala (BR, '23)
    Jude Caguioa Camaya (BR, '23)
    Constantin Chekardzhikov (BR, '23)
    Mia Amaris Lopez (BF、'23)
    Aurelia Philmore (BR, '24)


    Owen Thomas Blum (FTV, '23)
    Zen Sing Thai (FTV, '23)

    Dominic Gonzalez (FTV, '23)
    Jordan Held (FTV、'23)

    Evan Padilla (FTV, '23)


    Nina Alvarez (VA, '23)
    Chelsea Lee (VA, '24)
    Chili Sloop (VA, '24)

    Chloe Kim (VA, '23)
    Alison Amber Lee (VA, '23)

    Luke Furca (VA、
    London San Luis (DM, '23)
    Cheungwan (Amy) Wang (VA, '23)
    Melody Wu (VA, '24)


    Megan Etzel (IM, '23) - 钢琴
    Trent Horio (IM, '23) - 次中音萨克斯
    Nathan Tatsuta (IM、'24)- 钢琴

    Emilia Djordjevic(IM,'23)- 钢琴
    Lucie Kim(IM,'24)- 钢琴

    Heather Kim(IM,'24)- 长笛
    Aidan Luu(IM,'23)- 中音萨克斯
    Daniel Park O'Grady (IM、单簧管
    Damian Paul (IM, '24) - 打击乐
    Leo Sui (IM, '23) - 长号

    Savannah Tweedt (PM, '24) - 架子鼓和打击乐


    Ava Diaz (DM、
    Cindy (Tenna) Kuang (VA, '24)
    Fatima Mai (VA, '24)
    Olivia Sarno (DM, '23)
    Mingxuan Wang (VA, '23)

    Rachel Kondo (DM, '24)
    Ethan Situ Leung (DM, '23)
    Vicky H. Nguyen (DM, '24)Nguyen (DM, '23)

    David Du (FTV, '24)

    Candace Ramirez (VA, '23)


    Ava DeVoe (ACT、'24)
    Elora Sparnicht (CW,'23)
    Ethan Swartz (ACT,'23)

    Alexa Núñez Magaña (MT,'23)
    Sophie Russ (MT、'24)


    Mia Baron (CV, '23)
    Grace Huynh (CV, '23)
    Lilliana Mindel (CV, '24)
    Sebastian Nunez (CV, '24)
    Viveka Saravanan (CV., '23)

    Cultural and Commercial Voice
    Ella Gibson (PM, '23)

    Musical Theater Voice
    Chloe Deutschman (MT, '24)
    Clare Adelaide Murphy (IA, '23)
    Sophia Ruiz (MT, '23)
  • OCSA 学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中获得国家级奖项
    0 474 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中获得国家级奖项
    以下学生在一年一度的 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中获得了国家级奖项。

    Sailee Charlu(弗吉尼亚州,27 岁):绘画和插图,"Family Ties","If The Shoe Fits"
    Caroline Kim(弗吉尼亚州,25 年级):设计,"儿童老虎饮料盒"
    Julie Lim(内务部,'23):综合材料,"牛顿第三定律"
    Irene Son(弗吉尼亚州,'25):绘画,"外化未来"
    Cheungwan Wang(弗吉尼亚州,'23):陶瓷与玻璃,"点心"
    Huilun Wang(弗吉尼亚州,'23):版画,"In the Back of the Mind"

    Sailee Charlu(弗吉尼亚州,'27):绘画与插图,"我是谁"
    Ruth Chen(CW,'25):
    Caitlyn Mason(CW,'23):个人散文和回忆录,"Wai Po's Feet":诗歌,"如果我们的身体有 60% 是水,那么我另外的 40% 就是......"
    London San Luis(DM,'23):绘画,"努力寻找"
    Emily Yi(VA,'26):摄影,"Reach For Your Dreams"

    Sailee Charlu(弗吉尼亚州,'27):综合材料,"非洲之眼
  • OCSA 学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)评选中荣获地区金钥匙奖(Gold Key Regional-at-Large award)。
    0 492 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)评选中荣获地区金钥匙奖(Gold Key Regional-at-Large award)。
    祝贺以下学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中取得优异成绩。这些学生获得了地区金钥匙奖。

    Felix Brem (CW, '23):个人散文和回忆录《巨人》
    Sailee Charlu(弗吉尼亚州,27 年级):素描和插图,"家庭纽带"、"如果鞋子合适"、"我是谁";综合材料,"非洲之眼";摄影,"一块馅饼";雕塑,"一个新家"
    Edward Chen(IA,'24):评论文章:"行使权利:
    Ruth Chen (CW, '25):评论性论文:《社会变革的浪潮--比较论文》;幽默:《香蕉皮》;诗歌:《季 节》;个人论文和回忆录:《外婆的脚》
    Justine Droullard (CW, '24):科幻小说与奇幻,"关于生活的一些事"
    David Du(FTV,24 年级):电影与动画,"蜉蝣的生命"
    Jaya Gandhi(CW,'25):诗歌,"一首我为自己命名的阿贝歇德诗歌"
    Run (Sarah) Han (PD,'27):绘画与插图,"海市蜃楼"
    Courtney Hines (CW,'24):短篇小说,"与你交谈":短篇小说,"和你说话就像外语"
    Seoyun Kang(VA,'23):艺术作品集,"人际身份与大媒体";素描与插图,"外层"
    Caroline Kim(弗吉尼亚州,25 年级):设计,"盲文服装标签","儿童老虎饮料盒"
    Chaewon Kim(CW,'23):绘画,"紧紧抓住"、"敞开心扉"、"你的希望原原本本地流露出来"
    Chloe Kim(弗吉尼亚州,23 岁):绘画,"庇护所"
    Alison Amber Lee(弗吉尼亚州,23 岁):综合材料,"Framed in Modernity"
    Calene Lee (CW, '25):诗歌,"伞"
    Chelsea Lee(弗吉尼亚州,'24):绘画,"变与不变"
    Julie Lim (IA, '23):综合材料,"牛顿第三定律","外部力量"
    Evan Lu(弗吉尼亚州,'23):社论漫画,"永恒";绘画,"孤独"
    Caitlyn Mason(CW,'23):诗歌,"如果我们的身体有 60% 是水,那么我另外的 40% 就是......"
    London San Luis (DM, '23):绘画,"看仔细点"
    Amy Shi(CW,'24):短篇小说,"Fixer"
    Irene Son(VA,'25):绘画,"外化未来"
    Lola Suleiman(CW,'23): Flash Fiction,"他们仍然是":Flash Fiction, "They're Still Burning Witches"
    Cheungwan Wang (VA, '23):陶瓷与玻璃,"点心"
    Huilun Wang (VA, '23):版画,"In the Back of the Mind"
    Emily Wen (VA, '26):绘画与插图,"香蕉开胃菜"
    Melody Wu(弗吉尼亚州,'24):绘画,"期待已久的分娩"
    Keyun Xiao (VA, '25):绘画,"母爱"
    Jeffrey Yang(简历,'24):诗歌,"从一开始,我们是,我们也不是:一首童话诗","Pantoum"
    Emily Yi (VA, '26):摄影,"隧道尽头父亲的光","为梦想而努力"
    Audrey Yoo(弗吉尼亚州,'24):绘画与插图,"一个疲惫艺术家的自画像"
    Lauren Young(PD,'26):评论文章,"怪物来了:科技、美化效率和专制者的崛起";诗歌,"无名冰川颂,无名艺术家颂","我的画笔挽歌"
    Jiin Yun(CW,'24):诗歌:"我们,联合海洋的动物"
    Olivia Yun(VA,'25):绘画:"白日梦
  • OCSA 学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)评选中荣获 "银奖"(Silver Key Regional-at-Large Award)。
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    OCSA 学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)评选中荣获 "银奖"(Silver Key Regional-at-Large Award)。
    祝贺以下学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中取得优异成绩。这些学生获得了地区银奖。

    Felix Brem(CW,23 级):诗歌:"Failed Pigmalion"
    Edward Chen(IA,'24):诗歌:"All in a Night's Work"
    Ruth Chen(CW,'25):Flash Fiction,"Dance of the Butterflies";诗歌,"Like Glass"
    Isabella Cho(ACT,'27):个人散文和回忆录,"裙子、污点和朋友"
    Emilia Djordjevic(IM,'23):个人散文和回忆录:"湿糖浆"
    Jadon Han (CW, '25):个人散文和回忆录:《棕色线》
    Ashley Hong (CW, '24):个人散文和回忆录:《牵手》
    Cynthia Huang (CW, '24):诗歌,"色盲"
    Seoyun Kang(弗吉尼亚,'23):综合材料:"感知"、"坚持匿名";绘画:"礼物:节日酒杯"
    Sophia Kang(PD,'24):短篇小说,"独自在水族馆"
    Bethany Kim(CW,'26):科幻小说和奇幻小说,"无处中间的土地"
    Chaewon Kim(CW,'23):摄影,"Pieta In Loose Threads"
    Lauren (Minyoung) Kim (CW, '24):数字艺术,"水泥"
    Leo Lai (CW, '24):评论文章,"渔业:
    Alison Amber Lee (VA, '23):艺术作品集,"拆解重复";综合材料,"暴雨时代"
    Amanda Lee (IM, '23):个人论文和回忆录,"神圣"
    Chelsea Lee(弗吉尼亚州,'24):素描和插图,"入侵";绘画,"上瘾"
    Julie Lim(IA,'23):综合材料,"新时代"
    Caitlyn Mason(CW,'23):Flash Fiction,"(你好)";诗歌,"如何做到完美"
    Ava Park(VA,'25):绘画,"淹没";雕塑,"下棋"
    London San Luis(DM,'23):绘画,"Adan","Follower of Tradition"
    Ashima Sharma(CW,'25):诗歌,"我祖母的地图"
    Ashley Shin(VA,'25):绘画,"怀旧"
    Sohun Shin(弗吉尼亚州,'24):绘画,"行走的混乱"
    Clara Son(CW,'23):诗歌,"烈火试金";"苦难考验一个女人"
    Irene Son(弗吉尼亚州,'25):绘画:"逃避现实"、"基础牺牲"
    Lola Suleiman(CW,'23):个人散文和回忆录:"我的生活":个人散文和回忆录,"倒计时"
    Arianna Torres(CW,'23):诗歌,"Loveless Ring"
    Charlton Tsai (CW, '24):诗歌,《有一天》
    Claudia Tsai(弗吉尼亚州,'24):绘画与插图,《追寻者》
    Cheungwan Wang(弗吉尼亚州,'23):摄影,"动物爪机"
    Huilun Wang(弗吉尼亚州,'23):绘画,"创造的规则";雕塑,"逝去"
    Yimeng Wang (CW, '25):诗歌:《我的母亲》
    Melody Wu(弗吉尼亚,'24):绘画,"战争来了"
    Keyun Xiao (VA, '25):绘画,"溢出"
    Kevin Yang(弗吉尼亚州,'24):雕塑:《苦调的回忆》
    Lacole Yang (CW, '24):诗歌:《雾中》
    Mia Yen (CW, '24):Flash Fiction,"It's Brevity"
    Emily Yi(VA,'26):绘画与插图,"绽放的爱的礼物";时装,"Upcycle Coffee Sack Project:波西米亚的幸福";摄影,"沙上的男人","沙井"
    Audrey Yoo(弗吉尼亚州,24 级):数字艺术,"你听到什么了吗?","科学怪鸽"
    Lauren Young(PD,26 级):绘画和插图,"盛开的蛇";个人论文和回忆录,"召唤我们进入美景"
    Jiin Yun(CW,'24):评论文章,"枪支对美国教育系统的影响"
    Olivia Yun(弗吉尼亚州,25 岁):素描与插图,"拥抱";绘画,"蜕变"
    Margaret Zhang (DM, '24):数字艺术,"一脉相承
  • OCSA 学生获得年度 "学术艺术与写作奖 "地区荣誉奖
    0 392 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生获得年度 "学术艺术与写作奖 "地区荣誉奖
    祝贺以下学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中取得优异成绩。这些学生获得了地区荣誉奖。

    Felix Brem(CW,23 级):新闻学,"A Cog in the Machine:
    Kaitlyn Byer(CW,25 年级):个人散文和回忆录:《我是如何变得美丽的》
    Ruth Chen(CW,'25):Flash Fiction,"奶奶的手","又见面了";诗歌,"颜色";短篇小说,"金色","夏雨"
    Hailey Cho(BCD,'25):新闻,"职业演员因在游轮上抢劫和殴打被定罪";个人散文和回忆录,"努力工作不一定有回报?"
    Jennifer Choi(弗吉尼亚州,26 年):漫画艺术,"走进现实";绘画与插图,"我的生活"
    Ryan Choi(ACT,'24):评论文章,"一切都是真实的,因此,什么都不是";个人文章和回忆录,"不精致"
    Justine Droullard(CW,'24):绘画,"深度","Peek-A-Boo";短篇小说,"雨靴"
    Run (Sarah) Han (PD,'27):绘画与插图,"期待"、"扭曲的现实"、"讲述故事的眼睛"、"回忆"
    Courtney Hines(CW,'24):
    Jenna Catherine Ho (VA, '26):绘画与插图,"旅程"
    Mankio Hong(PD,26 年):数字艺术,"三重凝视"
    Anna Huang(CW,'24):Flash Fiction, "What She Heard"
    Cynthia Huang (CW, '24):诗歌:《她的身体是快时尚》
    Joy Jin(CW,'26):短篇小说,"冰棒小子"
    Jamie Jung(CW,'24):诗歌,"CODA:抑郁成人的孩子";短篇小说,"我们的身体"
    Sona Kamaraj(弗吉尼亚州,24 岁):绘画,"染色维度"
    Seoyun Kang(弗吉尼亚州,'23):绘画,"展示";数字艺术,"脉搏"
    Estella Sky Keong(简历,'25):摄影,"光之父,卫城的使者"
    Bethany Kim(CW,'26):Flash Fiction,"Imaginations of Reality"
    Caroline Kim(VA,'25):数字艺术,"自动化"
    Chaewon Kim (CW, '23):艺术作品集,"Don't Get Lost";时装,"Jelly";混合媒体,"Go bird go"!强力鹱:它们能适应野外生活吗?"、"家是我从未去过的熟悉的地方";绘画,"你在哪里,我丢失的宝贝?"
    Donggyu Kim(弗吉尼亚州,24 年级):绘画:"秋天的蜡翅"、"它潜伏在礁石中"
    Frances Kim(内华达州,24 年级):漫画艺术,"生日拜访"
    Gigi Kim(弗吉尼亚州,'25):绘画和插图,"Skittles"
    Hennah Kim(CW,'25):诗歌,"A 代表厌食"
    Ina Kim(CW,'26):短篇小说,"The Meet Up"
    Jaden Kim (IM, '25):评论文章,"马太效应和歧视性经济政策如何影响非裔美国人社区"
    Jennifer Kim(VA,25 岁):混合媒体,"心理的人为";雕塑,"通过这一切"
  • OCSA 学生获得年度 "学术艺术与写作奖 "地区荣誉奖
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    OCSA 学生获得年度 "学术艺术与写作奖 "地区荣誉奖
    祝贺以下学生在年度 "学术艺术与写作奖"(Scholastic Art & Writing Awards)中获得佳绩。

    Kyle Kim (FTV, '25):电影和动画,"Between the Bars"
    Clara Kye(弗吉尼亚州,24 年级):个人散文和回忆录,"灵魂食物"
    Alison Amber Lee(弗吉尼亚州,23 年级):综合材料,"未来肖像","Pyebaek:版画,"重复的命运"
    Julie Lim(IA,'23):艺术作品集,"自然与养育"
    Evan Lu(弗吉尼亚州,23 级):绘画,"午夜"、"宁静"
    Caitlyn Mason(CW,23 级):戏剧剧本,"元旦"
    Brielle Murphy(IA,'24):短篇小说,"海洋":短篇小说,"海洋"
    Eunice Oh(弗吉尼亚州,24 年级):数字艺术,"让我腐烂"
    Lindsey Robertson(弗吉尼亚州,'23):数字艺术,"图书馆,希望时光倒流"
    London San Luis(DM,'23):绘画,"肯德尔去年";艺术作品集,"我的,不是你的"
    Aadya Sharma(IM,'24):个人论文和回忆录《如何骑摩托车》;评论性论文《以进步的名义:美国种族主义的审视》
    Amy Shi(CW,'24):短篇小说,"Scylla in a Box"
    Ashley Shin (VA, '25):绘画与插图,"解构"
    Clara Son(CW,'23):诗歌,"德墨忒尔的女儿"
    Charlton Tsai(CW,'24):诗歌:"与我的亚裔美国人身份相关的食物"
    Kate Um(CV,'24):绘画与插图,"音乐发自内心"
    Alyssa Uy(弗吉尼亚州,24 岁):绘画与插图,"枯萎的记忆"
    Cheungwan Wang(弗吉尼亚州,23 岁):扩展项目,"情感垃圾"
    YanJun Wang (VA, '26):绘画,"生日剩菜"
    Melody Wu(弗吉尼亚州,'24):素描和插图,"洗脑中国"、"延安路";综合材料,"永无止境"
    Jeffrey Yang(简历,'24):Flash Fiction, "hazelnut"
    Jessica Yang (IA, '24):短篇小说,"昔日的朋友"
    Kevin Yang(弗吉尼亚州,'24):建筑与工业设计,"扭曲的迷宫"
    Emily Yi(弗吉尼亚州,'26):摄影:"LAX"、"憧憬"、"反思"、"济州岛的海女"、"疲惫"、"东京老房子"、"走在沙毯上";雕塑:"解放你的阿勒布里耶"
    Lauren Young(PD,'26):诗歌:《盛开的蛇》
    Jiin Yun(CW,'24):评论文章,"笼中动物园:个人论文和回忆录:《火花四溅》
    Margaret Zhang(DM,'24):素描与插图,"入侵性生长"
    Carina Zheng(VA,'24):雕塑,"世代相传";绘画,"悸动
  • OCSA 初中科学奥林匹克队参加了橙县地区锦标赛,并获得了第三名的好成绩。
    0 436 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 初中科学奥林匹克队参加了橙县地区锦标赛,并获得了第三名的好成绩。
    以下是 OCSA 初中科学奥林匹克竞赛队的学生,他们在橙县地区锦标赛上与其他 20 个中学代表队进行了角逐,并获得了团体总分第三名的好成绩。20 名学生进入了前六名,并获得了各自组别的奖牌。该队还晋级了州锦标赛,并获得了总分第三名的好成绩,其中有 17 名学生进入了前六名。

    Sailee Charlu (VA, '27)
    Lila Olson (IA, '26)
    Juneau Foxlin (IMS, '26)
    Iva (Jiaying) Liu (CV, '27)
    Samantha Wu (MT, '27)
    Jeremy Lee (IM, '28)
    Armaan Diwan (IM, '27)
    Skyler Tran (IMP、
    Sterling Tran (IMP, '27)
    Jackson Tran (IA, '27)
    Lauren Young (PD, '26)
    Henry Courtney (CV, '26)
    Olivia Song (CV, '28)
    Seojin Park (IMP, '28)
    Sophie Paulsen (MT, '27)
  • 娜塔莉亚-努里出版了一本名为《应对离婚》的书:儿童如何应对离婚
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    娜塔莉亚-努里(Natalia Nouri,内务部,28 年级)出版了一本名为《应对离婚》的书:儿童如何应对离婚 "一书。
  • OCSA 学生和街舞比赛团队 Gravy Babies 成员在 2022 Bridge Juniors 舞蹈比赛中获得第一名,该比赛是南加州最大的青少年和成人街舞比赛之一。
    0 374 喜欢 有0人喜欢这个
    OCSA 学生和街舞比赛团队 Gravy Babies 成员在 2022 Bridge Juniors 舞蹈比赛中获得第一名,该比赛是南加州最大的青少年和成人街舞比赛之一。
    以下学生是街舞比赛团队 Gravy Babies 的成员,该团队在 2022 Bridge Juniors Dance Competition(南加州最大的青少年和成人街舞比赛之一)中击败 15 支队伍,获得第一名。

    Edward Chen (IA, '24)
    Kaelee Cortez (IA, '25)
    Sydney Mae Estrella (IA, '26)
    Jasmine Lee (CMD, '26)
    Devin Vo (IA, '26)
    Jadon Vo (CMD, '25)
  • OCSA 学生俱乐部 Two Step Together 参加了格伦代尔运动会舞蹈比赛并获得多个奖项
    0 402 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 学生俱乐部 Two Step Together 参加了格伦代尔运动会舞蹈比赛并获得多个奖项
    OCSA 学生俱乐部 Two Step Together 参加了格伦代尔运动会舞蹈比赛,并获得以下奖项。

    第一名(11 年级街舞独舞组)
    Edward Chen (IA, '24)

    街舞独舞 Victor 奖
    Edward Chen (IA, '24)

    Edward Chen (IA. '24) Howard Choi (FTV, '25) Kaelee Cortez (FTV, '24)
    Howard Choi (FTV, '25)
    Kaelee Cortez (IA, '25)
    Sydney Mae Estrella (IA, '26)
    Jasmine Lee (CMD, '26)
    Devin Vo (IA, '26)
    Jadon Vo (CMD, '25)
  • OCSA 的学生被选为 2023 年龙-金研究员,并获得龙-金基金会提供的 5,000 美元社区服务补助金
    0 446 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 的学生被选为 2023 年龙-金研究员,并获得龙-金基金会提供的 5,000 美元社区服务补助金
    以下学生被选为 2023 年金龙奖学金获得者,并获得金龙基金会提供的 5,000 美元社区服务补助金。这些学生是从加州和内华达州的 300 多名申请者中脱颖而出的,他们经过了严格的面试程序,最终获得了奖学金。在获得项目资助的同时,这些学生还将接受三个周末的领导力培训以及当地商业专家的实践指导。

    Autistic2Artistic:Justin "JT" Freeman (PM, '25)
    脑动脉瘤:被忽视的干扰:Ramzi Idriss (FTV, '26)
    DearMe: Rohan Soni (PM, '26)
    EpiSTEMic:Lyn Huang (CW, '24) and Xinchun Audrey Zhang (IM, '24)
    Find Your Light:Lana Lee (IA, '26)
    Project Insight:Taren Azizi (ACT, '25) 和 Audrey Kim (ACT, '25)
    Somewhere In Time: Kyle Kim (FTV, '25) 和 Kaylie Viloria (PD, '25)
    Teacher's Pet: Natalie Hoffman (CW, '25)
    The Recycling Dictionary:Mary Hong (PD, '26) and Jiin Yun (CW, '24)
    Two Step Together:Edward Chen(IA,'24)和 Jadon Vo(CMD,'25)
  • OCSA 化学荣誉学生参加了美国化学学会 (ACS) 一年级竞赛,并获得团队前六名奖
    0 419 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 化学荣誉学生参加了美国化学学会 (ACS) 一年级竞赛,并获得团队前六名奖
    以下是参加美国化学学会(ACS)一年级竞赛的奥克萨分校化学荣誉生。由于学生们的总分很高,奥克萨分校在橘郡所有学校中获得了团体前六名的殊荣。此外,Dane Bergman(内务部,25 年级)还获得了 OCSA 的最高分,并在 ACS 颁奖晚宴上受到了特别表彰。

    Dane Bergman (IA, '25)
    Sumin Cho (IM, '25)
    Grant (James) Conroy (CV, '25)
    Sky (Estella) Keyoung (CV, '25)
    Hennah Kim (CW, '25)
    Minjae (Jaden) Kim (IM, '25)
    Mican Lai (FTV, '25)
    Elenna (Jeongwon) Park (IA, '25)
  • OCSA 学生入围音乐中心第 34 届年度聚焦计划大奖决赛、半决赛和决赛。
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    OCSA 学生入围音乐中心第 34 届年度聚焦计划大奖决赛、半决赛和决赛。
    以下学生入围了音乐中心第 34 届年度聚光灯计划的大奖决赛、半决赛和决赛。聚光灯计划是一项享誉全国的青少年艺术培训和奖学金计划,每年颁发的现金奖学金超过 100,000 美元。半决赛选手有机会参加本学科的特别大师班,与享有盛誉的艺术家们分享表演技巧、培训和职业生活方面的专业知识。然后,每位半决赛选手再进行一次试演,每个组别的前两名入围者将被选拔出来,最终产生 14 位大奖决赛选手。


    Lilliana Mindel (CV, '24)


    Preston Walker (BCD, '26)

    Sammi Chung (CMD, '24)
    Ayanna Dowell (CMD, '23)
    Andrea Martinez (BF, '25)
    Mallory McKenna (CMD, '23)
    Isabella Silva (IA, '26)

    Ariana Kim (IM、
    Calene Lee (CW, '25)

    Ian Shin (IM, '24)
    Nathan Tatsuta (IM, '24)

    Joan Park (PM, '23)

    Grace Huynh (CV, '23)
    Viveka Saravanan (CV, '24)
  • 海莉-克莱因曼(Haley Kleinman)自费出版了她的第一本青少年小说《阴影世界》(The World of Shadows)。
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    海莉-克莱因曼(Haley Kleinman)自费出版了她的第一本青少年小说《阴影世界》(The World of Shadows)。
    海莉-克莱因曼(IA,24 岁)自费出版了她的第一本青少年小说《阴影世界》,这是一本反乌托邦科幻小说,可在亚马逊网站上下载。
  • Jordan Held、Caleb Malis 和 Noah Granados 创作的短片 "Ovaryacting "已入选 8 个电影节并获得 7 个奖项
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    Jordan Held、Caleb Malis 和 Noah Granados 创作的短片 "Ovaryacting "已入选 8 个电影节并获得 7 个奖项
    乔丹-赫尔德(Jordan Held,FTV,23 年级)、迦勒-马里斯(Caleb Malis,IA,23 年级)和诺亚-格拉纳多斯(Noah Granados,ACT,23 年级)创作了短片 "Ovaryacting"。乔丹在影片中担任编剧、导演、制片和演员。Caleb 和 Noah 也参与了影片的演出。"Ovaryacting "入选了八个电影节,并获得了七个奖项,包括SCREEN高中电影节最佳编剧奖、WESTFLIX电影节最佳编剧奖和最佳演员表演奖(Caleb Malis),以及Worldfest学生电影制作银雷米奖:休斯顿国际电影节学生电影制作银雷米奖。此外,《Ovaryacting》还入围了 New Optics 电影节半决赛,并获得了 IndieFEST 电影奖。该片还入选了 KIDS FIRST!电影节和 1 届世界学生电影节选为在柬埔寨金边放映的影片。请点击此处观看 https://youtu.be/LSeyML0J_do
  • Raelynn Green 被选为设计师 Betsey Johnson 80 年代舞会主题项目的模特
    0 12 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Raelynn Green 被选为设计师 Betsey Johnson 80 年代舞会主题项目的模特
    Raelynn Green(内务部,23 年级)被选中为设计师 Betsey Johnson 的 80 年代舞会主题项目担任模特。
  • OCSA 学生获得国家青年艺术基金会表彰
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    OCSA 学生获得国家青年艺术基金会表彰
    全美青年艺术基金会是美国唯一一个在各个发展阶段为 10 个学科的艺术家提供支持的组织,从他们决定追求艺术生活的关键时刻开始,一直到他们的整个职业生涯。他们的使命是发掘杰出的年轻艺术家,放大他们的潜能,为他们的终身创作自由投资。


    Hannah Cho (IM, '25) - 双簧管
    Amy Jong (IM, '24) - 大提琴

    Edward Chen (IA, '24) - 街舞

    Caroline Kim (VA., '25) 声乐 Joan 96、

    Joan Park (PM, '23) - Popular

    Ashley Park (CW, '23) - Spoken Word

    Honorable Mentions:

    David Du (FTV, '24) - 纪录片
    Amelie Muro (FTV, '22) - 实验

    Ella Gibson (PM, '23) - 通俗
    Ava Ulloa (PM, '22) - 通俗
    Jocelyn Wang (PM, '23) - 歌手-歌曲创作

    Olivia Le (CW, '25) - 脱口秀
  • 约书亚-德索萨(Joshua D'Souza)在童子军服役 10 年后,于今年获得了鹰级军衔。
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    约书亚-德索萨(Joshua D'Souza)在童子军服役 10 年后,于今年获得了鹰级军衔。
    Joshua D'Souza(内务部,25 年级)在童子军服役 10 年后,于今年获得了鹰级称号。他的雄鹰计划是在神的羔羊妇幼保健院建造一个祈祷花园。
  • OCSA students were named semifinalists for the prestigious National Merit Scholarship Program
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    OCSA students were named semifinalists for the prestigious National Merit Scholarship Program
    The following students were named semifinalists for the prestigious National Merit Scholarship Program. The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic scholarship competition, where students can receive recognition and university scholarships. Semifinalists are recognized for their academic and extracurricular achievements, putting these students in a pool of less than 1% of high schoolers in the nation.

    Edward Chen (IA, ‘24)
    Katherine Given (ACT, ‘24)
    Joseph Ho (IM, ‘24)
    Tane Kim (IM, ‘24)
    Katerina Malabarba (CW, ‘24)
    Elise Park (FTV, ‘24)
    Aadya Sharma (IM, ‘24)
    Nathan Tatsuta (IM, ‘24)
    Luke Toner (IM, ‘24)
    Jeffrey Yang (CV, ‘24)
    Lacole Yang (CW, ‘24)
    James Yi (CW, ‘24)
    Xinchun Zhang (IM, ‘24)

    For more information, please visit: https://bit.ly/41cHgkX
  • Milo Karnes and Abbi Park earned perfect scores on their AP Research exam
    0 275 Like 0 people like this
    Milo Karnes and Abbi Park earned perfect scores on their AP Research exam
    Milo Karnes (IA, ‘24) and Abbi Park (CW, ‘24) earned perfect scores on their AP Research exam, making them part of a select group of only 1.26% of students worldwide who received this distinction.
  • Ethan Baker won the Junior Division Gold Medal at the Orange Coast Mixed Foil Competition
    0 271 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Ethan Baker won the Junior Division Gold Medal at the Orange Coast Mixed Foil Competition
    Ethan Baker (IA, ‘26) won the Junior Division Gold Medal at the Orange Coast Mixed Foil Competition in Santa Ana. Foil is one of three types of weaponry used in the sport of fencing.
  • OCSA students performed in the children’s choir that was featured in the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”
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    OCSA students performed in the children’s choir that was featured in the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”
    The following students performed in the children’s choir that was featured in the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” presented by McCoy Rigby Entertainment at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts.

    Cameron Avery (ACT, ‘27)
    Jasmine Melwani (IA, ‘25)
    Adrienne Morrow (MT, ‘25)
    Angelina Pendleton-Mendez (PM, ‘27)
    Sydney Sublette (CV, ‘26)
    Erin Tardibuono (MT, ‘25)
    Ava Villacorta (MT, ‘27)
    Emma Woodward (CV, ‘27)
  • Jordan Held was awarded the Outstanding Young Filmmaker Short at the 2023 Newport Beach Film Festival for her film “Ovaryacting” starring Caleb Malis (IA, ‘23)
    0 245 Like 0 people like this
    Jordan Held was awarded the Outstanding Young Filmmaker Short at the 2023 Newport Beach Film Festival for her film “Ovaryacting” starring Caleb Malis (IA, ‘23)
    Jordan Held (FTV, ‘23) was awarded the Outstanding Young Filmmaker Short at the 2023 Newport Beach Film Festival for her film “Ovaryacting.” She also won the Young Filmmakers Competition at the 2023 Austin Film Festival. Jordan was featured in an article by KVUE, Austin’s ABC affiliate, alongside Caleb Malis (IA, ‘23), who was the lead actor in the film. To read the article, please visit: https://bit.ly/46LHjWf
  • Julie Mejer won First Place in her age group for piano at the LA Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition
    0 262 Like 0 people like this
    Julie Mejer won First Place in her age group for piano at the LA Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition
    Julie Mejer (IA, ‘29) won First Place in her age group for piano at the LA Golden Classical Music Awards International Competition. She also won Third Place at the Charleston 19th Century Music Competition and a Special Mention in her age group for the London International Music Competition.
  • Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley
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    Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley
    Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley. Five teams from OCSA competed against 115 other teams from around the country. One of the five teams, Z Squared, was composed of Olivia Lee (VA, ‘25), Sunny Li (IM, ‘24), and Samantha Park (IA, ‘25), making them one of the less than 5% of teams that were made of all female members. Z Squared placed 7th out of 115 in only their second year of robotics. Below is the full list of the OCSA students who participated in the One World Showcase Event.

    Shining Chen (CW, ‘26)
    Sumin Cho (IM, ‘25)
    Evan Choe (VA, ‘25)
    Rhea Dayal (VA, ‘28)
    Juneau Foxlin (IM, ‘26)
    Justin Hong (IM, ‘25)
    Peyton Hsu (AE, ‘27)
    Jason Lee (IM, ‘27)
    Olivia Lee (VA, ‘25)
    Sunny Li (IM, ‘24)
    Edward Luna (IM, ‘24)
    Danny O’Grady (IM, ‘24)
    Samantha Park (IA, ‘25)
    Taven Rong (IM, ‘28)
    Paul Seo (DM, ‘26)
    Kaya Simsek (CAH, ‘26)
    Kara Syn (IM, ‘24)
    George Weichel (PD, ‘27)
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, ‘25)
    Beatrice Yu (PM, ‘28)
    Jojo Yu (CMD, ‘25)
  • OCSA 学生因其艺术成就被美国国家青年艺术基金会评为 2023 年青年艺术奖得主
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    OCSA 学生因其艺术成就被美国国家青年艺术基金会评为 2023 年青年艺术奖得主
    The following students were recognized as 2023 YoungArts Winners by the National YoungArts Foundation for their artistic achievements. YoungArts Award Winners received a monetary award of $250 and those with Distinction are invited to participate in National YoungArts Week and have their work further evaluated for cash awards of up to $10,000. Attendees of National YoungArts Week who meet the eligibility requirements are also considered for nomination to the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.

    YoungArts Award Winners:
    Summer Brennan (PM, ‘25) – Voice (Popular & Singer-Songwriter)
    Lyla Briggs (CMD, ‘26) – Dance (Ballet)
    David Du (FTV, ‘24) – Film (Narrative)
    Claire Harmsen (PM, ‘26) – Voice (Popular)
    Jaden Kim (IM, ‘25) – Classical Music (Violin)
    Olivia Le (CW, ‘25) – Writing (Spoken Word)
    Jasmine Lee (CMD, ‘26) – Dance (Hip-Hop)
    Allie Molin (IM, ‘25) – Jazz (Trumpet)
    Hugo Nguyen (PM, ‘24) – Voice (Jazz)
    Arianna Ramirez (BF, ‘26) – Dance (World Dance: Mexican Folkloric)
    Viveka Saravanan (CV, ‘24) – Voice (Classical: Soprano)
    Bella Silva (IA, ‘26) – Dance (Tap)
    Jadon Vo (CMD, ‘25) – Dance (Hip-Hop)
    Preston Walker (BCD, ‘26) – Dance (Ballet)
    Chloe Woo (IM, ‘27) – Writing (Nonfiction)

    YoungArts Award With Distinction Winners:
    William Bolin (CV, ‘24) – Voice (Classical Bass)
    Asher Hinton (PM, ‘24) – Voice (Popular & Singer-Songwriter)
    Jaime Jung (CW, ‘24) – Writing (Spoken Word)
    Evee Lee (CMD, 26) – Dance (Modern Contemporary)
    Bella Silva (IA, ‘26) – Dance (Tap)
  • Avery Mizrahi was a recipient of the Gold Congressional Award
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    Avery Mizrahi was a recipient of the Gold Congressional Award
    Avery Mizrahi (IA, ‘24) was a recipient of the Gold Congressional Award, which recognizes youth leaders who complete 400 volunteer hours, 200 personal development hours, and 200 physical fitness hours. This award recognizes Avery’s many achievements, which include being President of the Southern California Youth Neuroscience Association (SCYNA) and other community service organizations, her scientific research, language learning, and preparation for her 2023 dance tour across Europe.
  • Kiara Widjaja was second runner-up in the category of Amateur Tissu at the 11th West Coast Aerial Arts Festival
    0 60 Like 0 people like this
    Kiara Widjaja was second runner-up in the category of Amateur Tissu at the 11th West Coast Aerial Arts Festival
    Kiara Widjaja (IA, ‘27) was second runner-up in the category of Amateur Tissu (Ages 13-14) at the 11th West Coast Aerial Arts Festival. This four-day competition recognizes the athletic skills and dedication of young Aerial Arts performers.
  • OCSA students participated in the Orange Coast College Fashion Show, celebrating Surf and Skate culture
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    OCSA students participated in the Orange Coast College Fashion Show, celebrating Surf and Skate culture
    The following students participated in the Orange Coast College Fashion Show, celebrating Surf and Skate culture.

    Mordecai Mehau (IA, ‘26)
    Maggie Moland (ACT, ‘24)
    Jules Schuld (CV, ‘24) - Winner, Rising Star category
    Siena Stark (ACT, ‘24) - Winner, Rising Star category
    Nicole Sun (VA, ‘24)
  • OCSA Advanced Placement Chemistry students collectively placed fourth out of 33 Orange County schools in the local section exam for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad
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    OCSA Advanced Placement Chemistry students collectively placed fourth out of 33 Orange County schools in the local section exam for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad
    The following OCSA Advanced Placement Chemistry students collectively placed fourth out of 33 Orange County schools in the local section exam for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad. The top four scorers will be honored at an awards dinner presented by the Orange County Section of the American Chemical Society. This local exam is the first stepping stone of many, with an opportunity to compete internationally.

    Dane Bergman (IA, ‘24) - Top Scorer
    Sumin Cho (IM, ‘25)
    James Conroy (CV, ‘25)
    Natalie Hoffman (CW, ‘25)
    Jessica Hong (CW, ‘24)
    Hennah Kim (CW, ‘25)
    Micah Lai (FTV, ‘25)
    Nathan Tatsuta (IM, ‘24)
  • The OCSA Tennis Team defeated Marina High School and won the Final at their league tournament at the Cabrillo Tennis Center/Matchpoint Tennis Academy
    0 67 Like 0 people like this
    The OCSA Tennis Team defeated Marina High School and won the Final at their league tournament at the Cabrillo Tennis Center/Matchpoint Tennis Academy
    The OCSA Tennis Team defeated Marina High School and won the Final at their league tournament at the Cabrillo Tennis Center/Matchpoint Tennis Academy in Santa Ana. The OCSA Tennis Team is a USTA junior tennis-sanctioned team coached by Danny Salloum. The following students comprise the team.

    Charles Blumling (IA, ‘25)
    James Conroy (CV, ‘25)
    Quinn Conroy (BR, ‘27)
    Megan Demeter (DM, ‘27)
    Armaan Diwan (IM, ‘27)
    Evan Jo (VA, ‘25)
    Aleena Khan (IA, ‘28)
    Caroline Kim (VA, ‘25)
    Kyle Siu (CW, ‘25)
    Leah Siu (DM, ‘27)
    Teagan Spiak (AE, ‘26)
  • The Orange County Register announced the winners, finalists, and semi-finalists for the 2024 Artist of the Year
    0 51 Like 0 people like this
    The Orange County Register announced the winners, finalists, and semi-finalists for the 2024 Artist of the Year
    The Orange County Register announced the winners, finalists, and semi-finalists for the 2024 Artist of the Year. The program highlighted over 800 talented students from across the county, 84 of which were OCSA students:


    Caroline Kim (VA, ‘25) - Fine Arts
    Viveka Saravanan (CV, ‘24) - Vocal Music
    Jadon Wu (IM, ‘25) - Instrumental Music


    Mackenzie Couch (CMD, ‘24)
    Piper Rovsek (CMD, ‘25)

    Fine Arts
    Chili Sloop (VA, ‘24)
    Melody Wu (VA, ‘24)

    Instrumental Music
    Savannah Tweedt (IM, ‘24)

    Ava DeVoe (ACT, ‘24)
    Isabella Kim (ACT, ‘25)
    Kaya Sparnicht (ACT, ‘25)

    Vocal Music
    William Bolin (CV, ‘24)


    Edward Chen (IA, ‘24)
    Katie Couch (CMD, ‘25)
    Isabella Guzman (BF, ‘25)
    Katelyn Hu (BCD, ‘24)

    Film and TV
    David Du (FTV, ‘24)
    Elise Park (FTV, ‘24)
    Alex Wolff (FTV, ‘23)
    Sadira Wong (FTV, ‘24)

    Fine Arts
    Chelsea Lee (VA, ‘24)
    Grace Shin (VA, ‘24)
    Minnie Zhai (VA, ‘24)

    Instrumental Music
    Amy Jong (IM, ‘24)
    Minjae Jaden Kim (IM, ‘25)
    Allie Molin (IM, ‘25)
    Fenella Nishigawara (IM, ‘24)

    Media Arts
    Ava Diaz (DM, ‘24)
    Jasmine Diep (DM, ‘25)
    Angie Wang (FTV, ‘26)

    Corinne Thomas (IA, ‘24)

    Vocal Music
    Madison Becerra (CV, ‘25)
    Summer Brennan (PM, ‘25)
    Lilliana Mindel (CV, ‘24)
    Chloe Ness (CV, ‘24)
    Joules Recana (PM, ‘25)
  • The Orange County Register announced the nominees for the 2024 Artist of the Year
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    The Orange County Register announced the nominees for the 2024 Artist of the Year
    The Orange County Register announced the nominees for the 2024 Artist of the Year. The program highlighted over 800 talented students from across the county, 84 of which were OCSA students:


    Constantin Chekardzhikov (BR, ‘24)
    Gabriel Cho (BR, ‘24)
    Kameron Couch (CMD, ‘25)
    Violet Lopiccola (BCD, ‘24)
    Avril Martinez (BF, ‘24)
    Daniella Morales (BCD, ‘24)

    Film and TV
    Ramone Hamilton (FTV, ‘24)
    Ella Lindner (FTV, ‘24)
    Quentin Marino (FT, ‘24)
    Diego Andres Terán (FTV, ‘24)

    Fine Arts
    Isabella Chiodo (VA, ‘25)
    Luke Furca (VA, ‘24)
    Clara Kye (VA, ‘24)
    Jonathan Leanos-Villanueva (VA, ‘25)
    Alex Maldonado (VA, ‘24)
    Ciel Mitrovich (VA, ‘24)
    Eunice Yoonsu Oh (VA, ‘24)
    Claudia Tsai (VA, ‘24)
    Jenny Wang (VA, ‘25)
    Cindy Zhang (VA, ‘24)

    Instrumental Music
    Maddox Kennerson (PM, ‘25)
    Damian Paul (IM, ‘24)
    Aadya Sharma (IM, ‘24)

    Media Arts
    Violet Adams (VA, ‘24)
    Rafael Carrera (DM, ‘24)
    Ash Chiov (DM, ‘25)
    Robert Martin (DM, ‘24)
    Seito Miwa (DM, ‘25)
    Fatima Nguyen (VA, ‘24)
    Valerie Truc-Mai Nguyen (VA, ‘25)
    Victoria Phan (DM, ‘25)
    Adrian Resendiz (FTV, ‘24)
    Allyn Richardson (IA, ‘24)
    Alyssa Uy (VA, ‘24)
    Jorryn Voegele (VA, ‘24)
    Jhernice Yandoc (DM, ‘25)
    Jessica Yang (IA, ‘24)

    Grace Abbott (ACT, ‘24)
    Chloe Deutschman (MT, ‘24)
    Lukas Loza (PD, ‘24)
    Hannah Osier (IA, ‘24)
    Isabella Rivas (ACT, ‘24)
    Levi Sternshein (ACT, ‘24)

    Vocal Music
    Lal Besir (CV, ‘25)
    Asher Hinton (PM, ‘24)
    Estella Sky Keyoung (CV, ‘25)
    Hugo Nguyen (PM, ‘24)
    Jeffrey Yang (CV, ‘24)
  • Noah Granados, Jordan Held, and Caleb Malis were honored by The American Pavilion’s 2024 Emerging Filmmaker Showcase for their work on “Ovaryacting”
    0 53 Like 0 people like this
    Noah Granados, Jordan Held, and Caleb Malis were honored by The American Pavilion’s 2024 Emerging Filmmaker Showcase for their work on “Ovaryacting”
    Noah Granados (ACT, ‘23), Jordan Held (FTV, ‘23), and Caleb Malis (IA, ‘23) were honored by The American Pavilion’s 2024 Emerging Filmmaker Showcase for their work on “Ovaryacting.” The film was selected and announced at the Cannes-hosted The American Pavilion showcase and screened at the American Library in Paris.
  • OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April
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    OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April
    The following OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April. Spearheaded by 8th degree black beIt Stephen Amsler (Elective Teacher), it was the largest graduation to date of OCSA students.

    3rd Degree Black Belt
    Chili Sloop (VA, ‘24)
    Luke Stark (FTV, ‘24)

    2nd Degree Black Belt
    Jenna Ho (VA, ‘26)
    John Kuli (ACT, ‘26)
    Nikun Liu (CV, ‘26)
    Eleazar Reiner (CW, ‘26)
    Luke Sakurai (IM, ‘26)

    1st Degree Black Belt
    Milan Albert-Holty (CW, ‘25)
    Roman Elson (ACT, ‘26)
    Grace Fleischmann (VA, ‘25)
    Jaya Gandhi (CW, ‘25)
    Tristan Gude (ACT, ‘26)
    Carissa Hahn (IM, ‘27)
    Yein Han (CW, ‘25)
    Ksena Eve Jenkins (IA, ‘26)
    Micah Kay (PD, ‘26)
    Brendan Knox (PM, ‘25)
    Ruby Lau (CW, ‘27)
    Alana Liang (CV, ‘26)
    Emma Nevell (PM, ‘27)
    Erica Park (FTV, ‘27)
    Nino Raimondo (IA, ‘27)
    Cole Schulein (CAH, ‘25)
    Thomas Song (IM, ‘25)
    Dylan Spence (VA, ‘26)
    Amina Straughn (VA, ‘27)
  • William Bolin, Edward Chen, Amy Jong, and Jamie Jung were selected among 625 semifinalists to advance to the final round of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars competition
    0 62 喜欢 有0人喜欢这个
    William Bolin, Edward Chen, Amy Jong, and Jamie Jung were selected among 625 semifinalists to advance to the final round of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars competition
    William Bolin (CV, ‘24), Edward Chen (IA, ‘24), Amy Jong (IM, ‘24), and Jamie Jung (CW, ‘24) were selected among 625 semifinalists to advance to the final round of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars competition.
  • Edward Chen was named a 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts for demonstrating academic and artistic excellence
    0 65 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Edward Chen was named a 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts for demonstrating academic and artistic excellence
    Edward Chen (IA, ‘24) was named a 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts for demonstrating academic and artistic excellence. Having first been named a YoungArts Winner for Dance in 2023, Edward was one of just twenty students selected in 2024 as the nation’s most talented young artists.
  • OCSA’s Junior Thespian Troupe 6826 participated in the Junior Thespian Festival hosted on OCSA’s campus
    0 55 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA’s Junior Thespian Troupe 6826 participated in the Junior Thespian Festival hosted on OCSA’s campus
    OCSA’s Junior Thespian Troupe 6826 participated in the Junior Thespian Festival hosted on OCSA’s campus. All participating middle school students received Superior Thespy awards, while also receiving two Judge’s Choice Awards and one First Place title as a group. Listed below are OCSA students who won an award.

    Rohan Ganesan (ACT, ‘28)
    Finn Pauley-Rodriguez (ACT, ‘28)
    Daniel Peters (ACT, ‘28)
    Kayleigh Thompson (ACT, ‘29)
    Macy Wong (IA, ‘29)
  • Sumin Cho, Micah Lai, Matthew Martono, Liam Ramos, Joshua Ta, and Nathan Tatsuta competed in the 2024 VEX Robotics California State Championship event
    0 59 Like 0 people like this
    Sumin Cho, Micah Lai, Matthew Martono, Liam Ramos, Joshua Ta, and Nathan Tatsuta competed in the 2024 VEX Robotics California State Championship event
    Sumin Cho (IM, ‘25), Micah Lai (FTV, ‘25), Matthew Martono (IM, ‘25), Liam Ramos (IM, ‘24), Joshua Ta (IA, ‘24), and Nathan Tatsuta (IM, ‘24) competed in the 2024 VEX Robotics California State Championship event. Together as Team Charles 92782A, they qualified for this event by winning the Excellence Award at an earlier tournament in their season.
  • OCSA Honors Chemistry students earned Fifth Place among all Orange County schools for their combined scores in the First-Year American Chemical Society competition
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    OCSA Honors Chemistry students earned Fifth Place among all Orange County schools for their combined scores in the First-Year American Chemical Society competition
    The following OCSA Honors Chemistry students earned Fifth Place among all Orange County schools for their combined scores in the First-Year American Chemical Society (ACS) competition. They received a team plaque at the ACS banquet.

    Marcello Bui (ACT, ‘26)
    Juneau Foxlin (IM, ‘26) – Top Scorer
    Lila Olson (IA, ‘26)
    Rohan Soni (PM, ‘26)
    Gloria Xiong (IA, ‘26)
    Charlotte Yoh (VA, ‘26)
    Lauren Young (VA, ‘26)
  • OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship
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    OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship
    The following OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship. The Dragon Kim Fellowship program includes six months of training, mentorship, and hands-on leadership to help students launch community-changing project ideas from start to finish. Some OCSA students worked together for their projects, while some worked alongside students from other schools. See below for the project names and their OCSA fellows.

    Community Canvas
    Luke Shin (VA, ‘25)
    Olivia Yun (VA, ‘25)

    Vedant Dayal (CW, ‘25)
    Ashima Sharma (CW, ‘25)

    Little Steps
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Maiya Leung (DM, ‘26)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Ava Villacorta (MT, ‘27)

    Meal Mentors
    Elizabeth Bancroft (BR, ‘26)
    Stella Mulholland (CAH, ‘26)
    Talia Rosenblatt (AE, ‘26)

    The Joy of Dance
    Aaron Chang (CMD, ‘26)
    Devin Vo (IA, ‘25)