欢迎来到 "艺术状态",我们在这里庆祝我们的学生、校友、教师和工作人员取得的所有惊人成就。祝贺大家,不要忘了提交你的成就!

要提交一个成功的故事,以便在《艺术现状》中介绍,请填写成就提交表 这里.

如需查看更多温室成就,请访问 本页.

  • Sammie Gee因其卓越的厨艺而受到表彰
    0 859 Like 0 people like this
    Sammie Gee因其卓越的厨艺而受到表彰
    Sammie Gee(CAH,24岁)因在OC Wonderland的原创手工开胃菜而被表彰为卓越的烹饪、艺术性、展示和服务。
  • OCSA连续第三年被Niche评为加州最佳特许高中第一名。
    0 848 Like 0 people like this
  • OCSA VEX 机器人队在 VEX OC Robo Bonanza 上获得评委奖
    0 874 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA VEX 机器人队在 VEX OC Robo Bonanza 上获得评委奖
    OCSA VEX 机器人队首次参加了由贝克曼高中主办的 VEX OC Robo Bonanza 比赛,并获得了裁判奖。以下学生参加了比赛:

    Sumin Cho (IM, '24)
    Vivienne Ho (IA, '22)
    Justin Hong (IM, '24)
    Chelsea Lee (VA, '23)
    Kara Syn (IM, '23)
    Jeffrey Tadeo (IA, '21)
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, '24)
  • 来自 Mekjian 烹饪艺术与酒店管理学院的 OCSA 学生应邀参加了在田中农场举行的 MaxLove Project 农场到餐桌晚宴。
    0 782 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    来自 Mekjian 烹饪艺术与酒店管理学院的 OCSA 学生应邀参加了在田中农场举行的 MaxLove Project 农场到餐桌晚宴。
    以下来自 Mekjian 烹饪艺术与酒店管理学院的学生应邀参加了在田中农场举行的 MaxLove Project 农场到餐桌晚宴,该晚宴旨在为抗击儿童癌症筹集资金。

    Marie Acalin (CAH, '24)
    Alexis Arvizu (CAH, '24)
    Lindsay Bae (CAH, '23)
    Aurelia Carrie (CAH, '23)
    Dong Won Chang (CAH, '23)
    Aveline Chauchereau (CAH, '22)
    Hazel Ciufo (CAH、'24)
    Lanna Gale (CAH, '23)
    Naya Garg (CAH, '24)
    Samantha Gee (CAH, '24)
    Kim Ha (CAH, '24)
    Darian Hojreh (CAH, '22)
    Megan Hughes (CAH, '24)
    Sam Johnson (CAH、'22)
    Samuel Laven (CAH, '23)
    Lexi Layne (CAH, '24)
    Bree Lew (CAH, '23)
    Madison (Star) Lu (CAH, '22)
    Kyleigh Nielson (CAH, '23)
    Mia Octavio (CAH, '23)
    Ryan Okajima (CAH、
    Kim Paige (CAH, '22)
    Noga Raz (CAH, '24)
    Brieanna Samaniego (CAH, '24)
    Tira Smith (CAH, '24)
    Jordan Spence (CAH, '24)
    Evelyn Wu (CAH, '23)
  • Teren Shaffer被选为艺术学校网络(ASN)的第一副主席,任期两年。
    0 706 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Teren Shaffer被选为艺术学校网络(ASN)的第一副主席,任期两年。
    橙县艺术学校校长兼首席执行官Teren Shaffer被选为艺术学校网络(ASN)第一副主席,任期两年。作为第一副主席,他将支持年度会议并协助ASN各项目标的计划管理。
  • OCSA 被评为加利福尼亚州最佳特许中学第三名
    0 776 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA 被评为加利福尼亚州最佳特许中学第三名
    美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)发布了 2021 年全国最佳小学和中学排名,橘郡艺术学校被评为加利福尼亚州最佳特许中学第 3 名。欲了解更多信息,请访问:https://bit.ly/3rnvyEv
  • Lana Sawalha,OCSA的历史教师,获得了Lowell Milken中心的无名英雄奖学金。
    0 789 Like 0 people like this
    Lana Sawalha,OCSA的历史教师,获得了Lowell Milken中心的无名英雄奖学金。
    拉娜-萨瓦哈(Lana Sawalha)是OCSA的一名历史教师,她获得了堪萨斯州斯科特市洛厄尔-米尔肯中心的无名英雄研究金。该奖学金每年颁发给那些在通过项目学习教授理解和尊重方面有突出表现的教育工作者。
  • 橙县艺术学校在KTLA关于最近Niche排名的文章中被介绍。
    0 767 喜欢 0 人喜欢
  • 科尔-舒莱因(Cole Schulein)为家庭暴力庇护所 WISEPlace 的 35 名妇女做了一顿丰盛的饭菜
    0 768 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    科尔-舒莱因(Cole Schulein)为家庭暴力庇护所 WISEPlace 的 35 名妇女做了一顿丰盛的饭菜
    科尔-舒莱因(CAH,25 年级)在他的成人礼项目中为家庭暴力庇护所 WISEPlace 的 35 名妇女做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。
  • 选修课和音乐学院讲师Cameron Shim获得一级教学证书
    0 764 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    选修课和音乐学院讲师Cameron Shim获得一级教学证书
    选修课和音乐学院的教练Cameron Shim从Aerial Physique获得了空中丝绸的一级教学证书。
  • 烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业学生被选中参加 2022 年加利福尼亚州 ProStart 杯比赛
    0 706 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业学生被选中参加 2022 年加利福尼亚州 ProStart 杯比赛
    以下烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业的学生被选中参加 2022 年加州 ProStart 杯赛。

    队长:Madison (Star) Lu (CAH, '22)
    Aurelia Carrie (CAH, '23)
    Max Gilbert (CAH, '22)
    Ryan Okajima (CAH, '23)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, '24)

    队长:Evelyn Wu (CAH, '23)
    Lanna Gale (CAH, '23)
    Sam Laven (CAH, '23)
    Willie Yao (CAH, '24)

    Mason Vair (CAH, '23)
  • 主厨 Daniel Mattos 在《橘郡纪事报》的一篇文章中介绍了 OCSA 的烹饪比赛 Throwdown
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    主厨 Daniel Mattos 在《橘郡纪事报》的一篇文章中介绍了 OCSA 的烹饪比赛 Throwdown
    Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality Conservatory 厨师长丹尼尔-马托斯(Daniel Mattos)在《奥兰治县纪事报》(Orange County Register)上发表了一篇关于 OCSA 烹饪大赛(culinary Throwdown competition)的文章。欲了解文章全文,请访问:https://bit.ly/3q7yWC3
  • OCSA机器人队有资格参加2022年南加州VRC高中州锦标赛
    0 751 喜欢 0 人喜欢
  • 五名 OCSA 学生被选为 2022 年龙-金研究员,并获得龙-金基金会提供的 5,000 美元社区服务补助金
    0 778 Like 0 people like this
    五名 OCSA 学生被选为 2022 年龙-金研究员,并获得龙-金基金会提供的 5,000 美元社区服务补助金
    以下学生被选为 2022 年度金龙奖学金获得者,并获得了金龙基金会提供的 5,000 美元社区服务补助金。这些学生是从加州和内华达州的 300 多名申请者中脱颖而出的,他们经过了严格的面试,最终获得了奖学金。在获得项目资助的同时,这五名学生还将接受三个周末的领导力培训和来自当地商界专业人士的实践指导。
    Teachers Aid+:Camila Balanta (CAH, '25) 和 Sara Balanta (IA, '22)
    Coding Campers:Tane Kim(IM,24 岁)、Abi Park(CW,24 岁)和 Joshua Ta(IM,24 岁)
  • OCSA VEX 机器人队在最后三场比赛中获胜,并在 2022 年南加州 VRC 高中州锦标赛中获得第 23 名。
    0 700 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA VEX 机器人队在最后三场比赛中获胜,并在 2022 年南加州 VRC 高中州锦标赛中获得第 23 名。
    在 2022 年南加州 VRC 高中州锦标赛上,OCSA VEX 机器人队赢得了最后三场比赛,最终获得第 23 名。他们参加的是南加州赛区的比赛,该赛区有数百支队伍参赛,据说是全国最艰苦的赛区。以下是参加冠军赛的队员:

    Sumin Cho (IM, '24)
    Vivienne Ho (IA, '22)
    Justin Hong (IM, '24)
    Chelsea Lee (VA, '23)
    Kara Syn (IM, '23)
    Jeffrey Tadeo (IA, '21)
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, '24)
  • OCSA 学生参加了 ProStart 杯烹饪大赛,在南加州 16 强队伍中脱颖而出,获得多个奖项
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    OCSA 学生参加了 ProStart 杯烹饪大赛,在南加州 16 强队伍中脱颖而出,获得多个奖项
    以下学生参加了 ProStart 杯烹饪大赛,跻身南加州 16 强,并获得以下奖项。管理团队还受邀参加了在华盛顿特区举行的全国 ProStart 邀请赛。以下烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业的学生还因参加 ProStart 比赛而被 Spectrum News 1 报道。如需查看完整报道,请访问:https://bit.ly/3uJ85O7


    Wienerschnitzel's Dress Your Dog Competition
    Mason Vair (CAH, '23)

    Management Competition
    Evelyn Wu (CAH, '23), Captain
    Lanna Gale (CAH, '23)
    Sam Laven (CAH, '23)
    Willie Yao (CAH, '24)


    Madison (Star) Lu (CAH, '22), 队长
    Aurelia Carrie (CAH, '23)
    Max Gilbert (CAH, '22)
    Ryan Okajima (CAH, '23)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, '24)
  • 烹饪艺术与酒店管理学院在《橙县纪事报》的一篇文章中介绍了他们最近举办的烹饪大赛和慈善活动
    0 647 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    烹饪艺术与酒店管理学院在《奥兰治县纪事报》(Orange County Register)的一篇文章中介绍了他们最近举办的烹饪对决比赛和慈善活动。阅读全文请访问:https://bit.ly/3ISJGul
  • 玛琳-霍尔利用旋转盘帮助提高舞蹈演员的转身、力量和稳定性的新颖锻炼方法获得了政府官方专利。
    0 615 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    舞蹈选修课教练马琳-霍尔(Marlene Hall)获得了一项政府官方专利,因为她独创了一种新的锻炼方法,利用旋转盘来帮助提高舞蹈演员的转身、力量和稳定性。
  • 初中科学奥林匹克队首次获得州锦标赛资格
    0 649 喜欢 0 人喜欢
  • 烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业的学生参加了在华盛顿特区举行的全国 ProStart 邀请赛,与来自全国各地的 40 强管理团队进行了角逐,并获得了第九名的好成绩
    0 543 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业的学生参加了在华盛顿特区举行的全国 ProStart 邀请赛,与来自全国各地的 40 强管理团队进行了角逐,并获得了第九名的好成绩
    以下学生参加了在华盛顿特区举行的全国 ProStart 邀请赛,与来自全美的 40 支顶尖管理团队同台竞技,并获得第九名。

    Chef Paola Costa, Coach
    Evelyn Wu (CAH, '23), Captain
    Lanna Gale (CAH, '23)
    Sam Laven (CAH, '23)
    Willie Yao (CAH, '24)
  • Hannah MacDonald 被选中担任美国最大的餐饮设计公司 Jacobs Doland Beer 的项目协调员。
    0 595 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Hannah MacDonald 被选中担任美国最大的餐饮设计公司 Jacobs Doland Beer 的项目协调员。
    Hannah MacDonald(CAH,18 年级)被选中担任美国最大的餐饮设计公司 Jacobs Doland Beer 的项目协调员。
  • Geena Meyhoefer 受聘为科隆纳德酒店会议与活动经理
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    Geena Meyhoefer 受聘为科隆纳德酒店会议与活动经理
    Geena Meyhoefer(CAH,17 年)受聘担任马萨诸塞州波士顿 Colonnade 酒店的会议与活动经理。
  • Katie Derr 被评为 UNLV 优秀毕业生之一,参加了 UNLV 太阳能十项全能竞赛团队,并开设了环保咖啡店 Rebel Grounds。
    0 580 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    Katie Derr 被评为 UNLV 优秀毕业生之一,参加了 UNLV 太阳能十项全能竞赛团队,并开设了环保咖啡店 Rebel Grounds。
    凯蒂-德尔(Katie Derr,CAH,16 年级)被评为拉斯维加斯内华达大学(UNLV)优秀毕业生之一,并参加了 UNLV 太阳能十项全能团队的比赛,在比赛中她参与了一些项目,向人们宣传可持续采购和食物浪费的知识。她还在 UNLV 开了一家环保咖啡店 Rebel Grounds。凯蒂荣获了 Sigma Kappa 女大学生联谊会颁发的 "35 岁以下 35 人奖",该奖项旨在表彰 35 岁以下做出突出贡献的女性。
  • 化学讲师希瑟-琼森(Heather Jonson)荣获 2022 年度可口可乐学者基金会杰出教育工作者奖
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    化学讲师希瑟-琼森(Heather Jonson)荣获 2022 年度可口可乐学者基金会杰出教育工作者奖
    化学教师希瑟-琼森(Heather Jonson)荣获 2022 年度可口可乐学者基金会杰出教育工作者奖。
  • 总裁兼首席执行官 Teren Shaffer 荣登《现代奢侈品》杂志 "权力榜"。
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    总裁兼首席执行官 Teren Shaffer 荣登《现代奢侈品》杂志 "权力榜"。
    总裁兼首席执行官特伦-谢弗(Teren Shaffer)在《现代奢侈品》杂志的 "权力榜"(The Power List)上大放异彩,"权力榜 "评选出了橘郡 50 位最具领导力的开拓者。要阅读他的专题报道,请访问: https://bit.ly/3Occmlf
  • OCSA 连续四年被 Niche 评为加州最佳特许高中第一名,并被评为全美最佳特许高中第六名。
    0 429 喜欢 有0人喜欢这个
    OCSA 连续四年被 Niche 评为加州最佳特许高中第一名,并被评为全美最佳特许高中第六名。
    橘郡艺术学校(OCSA)连续四年被 Niche 评为加州最佳特许高中第一名,并被评为全美最佳特许高中第六名!请访问 https://bit.ly/3D8R02u 查看 OCSA 在 2023 年的所有排名。在此,我们谨向所有继续为 OCSA 作出卓越贡献的学生、教师和教职员工表示感谢。
  • Da Yea Sue、Isabella Vegh 和 Mckenna Voisin 获得 2022 年度加州餐厅基金会奖学金
    0 450 喜欢 有0人喜欢这个
    Da Yea Sue, Isabella Vegh, and Mckenna Voisin received 2022 California Restaurant Foundation Scholarships
    Da Yea Sue(加州旅馆,21 年级)、Isabella Vegh(加州旅馆,21 年级)和 Mckenna Voisin(加州旅馆,19 年级)获得了 2022 年度加州餐厅基金会奖学金。
  • MONTAGE!在南海岸广场的年度圣诞树亮灯仪式上的表演登上了《洛杉矶时报》的头版头条。
    0 431 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    MONTAGE!在南海岸广场举行的年度圣诞树亮灯仪式上的表演登上了《洛杉矶时报每日导报》的头版头条。阅读全文,请访问 https://bit.ly/3F2gIZ3。
  • 奥克萨旧金山协会在《奥兰治县纪事报》上报道了奥克萨旧金山协会的节俭活动
    0 336 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    橘郡艺术学校的学生在校园内举办了一个临时旧货店活动,《橘郡纪事报》对该活动进行了报道。阅读全文,请访问 https://bit.ly/453LFIG
  • 祝贺 OCSA 模拟法庭队在激烈的竞争中晋级州决赛并获得加州第四名的好成绩
    0 421 喜欢 有0人喜欢这个
    祝贺 OCSA 模拟法庭队在激烈的竞争中晋级州决赛并获得加州第四名的好成绩
    祝贺 OCSA 模拟审判队、教师顾问 Whitney Coates、助理教练 Courtney Harper、律师教练 Justice Halim Dhanidina、Melissa Brandman(法学博士)和 Ethan Feng(法学博士)在激烈的竞争中晋级州决赛并获得加州第四名。除了集体的努力,Sabrina Aguilar(DM,23 年级)还获得了 "法庭艺术 "的全州第一名,Emy Pardo(MT,24 年级)也因出色地扮演了证人 Cleo Shafer 而获得了 "杰出 Cleo Shafer "奖。领导力教师兼模拟审判顾问 Whitney Coates 被评为 OC 模拟审判年度最佳教师教练。
  • OCSA 荣获了学院委员会的 AP® 计算机科学女性多样性奖,以表彰其扩大了年轻女性学习 AP 计算机科学原理的机会。
    0 378 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 荣获了学院委员会的 AP® 计算机科学女性多样性奖,以表彰其扩大了年轻女性学习 AP 计算机科学原理的机会。
    橘郡艺术学校(OCSA)因扩大了年轻女性学习 AP 计算机科学原理的机会而获得了大学理事会的 AP® 计算机科学女性多样性奖。
  • 阿纳亚-格林在《每日导报》的一篇文章中谈到了她与癌症的斗争、与 MaxLove 项目和 CAH 音乐学院合作的经历
    0 385 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    阿纳亚-格林在《每日导报》的一篇文章中谈到了她与癌症的斗争、与 MaxLove 项目和 CAH 音乐学院合作的经历
    Anaya Green(CAH,26 级)在《每日导报》(Daily Pilot)的一篇文章中谈到了她与癌症的斗争、与 MaxLove 项目的合作经历以及 Mekjian 家族烹饪艺术与酒店管理学院。阅读全文,请访问: https://bit.ly/41FGYlf
  • OCSA 高中科学奥林匹克队在地区科学奥林匹克竞赛中获得第三名
    0 408 喜欢 0 人喜欢
    OCSA 高中科学奥林匹克队在地区科学奥林匹克竞赛中获得第三名
    他们在 23 个项目中的 20 个项目中获得了奖牌,其中 4 个项目获得了第一名,并击败了卫冕全国冠军队。该团队还获得了以下个人奖项:

    Codebusters、Fast Facts、Green Generation、Solar System





  • OCSA 高中科学奥林匹克队参加了全州科学奥林匹克竞赛,并获得了总分第三名的好成绩
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    OCSA 高中科学奥林匹克队参加了全州科学奥林匹克竞赛,并获得了总分第三名的好成绩
    OCSA 高中科学奥林匹克队参加了在帕萨迪纳加州理工学院举行的全州科学奥林匹克竞赛,并在 25 个项目中的 16 个项目中获得了奖牌,总成绩名列第三。该团队还获得了以下单项奖:



    第四名:Write It CAD It

    第五名:Fast Facts、Road Scholar
    Write It CAD It

    第六名:Crave the Wave、Experimental Design、Write It Do It

  • OCSA 机器人队参加了美国机器人公开锦标赛,在来自全国的 160 支队伍中排名第 35 位。
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    OCSA 机器人队参加了美国机器人公开锦标赛,在来自全国的 160 支队伍中排名第 35 位。
    OCSA 机器人队参加了在爱荷华州举行的美国机器人公开锦标赛,在来自全国的 160 支队伍中排名第 35 位。
  • OCSA 入围第二届 "建设希望 IMPACT 奖""模范章程 "类决赛
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    OCSA 入围第二届 "建设希望 IMPACT 奖""模范章程 "类决赛
    橙县艺术学校入围了第二届 "建设希望 IMPACT 奖 "示范特许学校类别的决赛。入围决赛的学校在社区参与、教育创新、学生赋权方面具有卓越的影响力,是特许学校的典范。
  • OCSA 学生参加加州餐饮基金会 2023 年 ProStart 杯比赛并获奖
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    OCSA 学生参加加州餐饮基金会 2023 年 ProStart 杯比赛并获奖
    以下学生参加了加州餐饮基金会举办的 2023 年 ProStart 杯比赛,并获得以下奖项。烹饪队还受邀参加了在华盛顿特区举行的全国 ProStart 邀请赛。以下烹饪艺术与酒店管理专业的学生还因参加 ProStart 比赛而被洛杉矶时报 Daily Pilot 报道。查看完整报道,请访问: https://bit.ly/3WcAQ2U
    Wienerschnitzel's Dress Your Dog Competition - First Place
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, '25)

    Loaded Idaho Baked Potato Competition - First Place
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, '24)

    Culinary Competition - First Place
    Aurelia Carrie (CAH, '23):共同队长
    Ryan Okajima (CAH, '23):
    Hannah Dromgoole (CAH, '25)
    Christian Lopez (CAH, '23)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, '24)

    Evelyn Wu (CAH, '23):共同队长
    Willie Yao (CAH, '24):
    Lanna Gale (CAH, '23)
    Brieana Samaniego (CAH, '24)
  • 海莉-赫伦(Hailey Heren)在《华侨城纪事报》(OC Register)上做了专题报道,重点介绍了她破纪录的女童子军饼干销售额。
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    海莉-赫伦(Hailey Heren)在《华侨城纪事报》(OC Register)上做了专题报道,重点介绍了她破纪录的女童子军饼干销售额。
    海莉-赫伦(Hailey Heren,CAH,25 年级)在《橙县纪事报》(Orange County Register)上发表文章,重点介绍了她创纪录的女童军饼干销售情况。阅读全文,请访问: https://bit.ly/3My2kNk
  • 橙县艺术学校被艺术学校网络授予模范学校称号
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    橙县艺术学校被艺术学校网络(ASN)授予示范学校称号。该称号为期五年,旨在表彰在深入研究学校宗旨、运营和教育计划的战略评估基础上做出的卓越承诺。ASN 将于今年 10 月在阿拉巴马州伯明翰举行的年度会议和颁奖典礼上表彰 OCSA 的成就。
  • 前圣安娜市市长和现任华侨城参事表彰了华侨城模拟法庭团队
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    前圣安娜市市长、现任华侨城参事维森特-萨米恩托(Vicente Sarmiento)对华侨城模拟法庭获奖团队在本学年取得的成功给予了表彰。
  • Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was voted the Best Charter School in Orange County for 2023 in the 21st Annual Reader’s Choice Award from Parenting OC Magazine
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    Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was voted the Best Charter School in Orange County for 2023 in the 21st Annual Reader’s Choice Award from Parenting OC Magazine
    Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was voted the Best Charter School in Orange County for 2023 in the 21st Annual Reader’s Choice Award from Parenting OC Magazine. To view all of the Reader’s Choice Awards, please visit: https://bit.ly/3GBmORe
  • OCSA was named one of the Best U.S. High Schools for 2023-2024 by US News & World Report
    0 216 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA was named one of the Best U.S. High Schools for 2023-2024 by US News & World Report
    Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was named one of the Best U.S. High Schools for 2023-2024 by US News & World Report. OCSA was ranked #38 in California and #264 in the nation. For full rankings, please visit: https://bit.ly/2SMHqQZ
  • Science instructor and Science Olympiad coach Heather Jonson was invited by NASA to attend the launch of their Psyche mission at the Kennedy Space Center
    0 274 Like 0 people like this
    Science instructor and Science Olympiad coach Heather Jonson was invited by NASA to attend the launch of their Psyche mission at the Kennedy Space Center
    Science instructor and Science Olympiad coach Heather Jonson was invited by NASA to attend the launch of their Psyche mission at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The goal of the Psyche mission is to send a spacecraft to a unique metal asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
  • Science instructors and Science Olympiad coaches Jessica Daniel and Heather Jonson were featured alongside their Science Olympiad students in a promotional television spot sponsored by L’Oreal Paris
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    Science instructors and Science Olympiad coaches Jessica Daniel and Heather Jonson were featured alongside their Science Olympiad students in a promotional television spot sponsored by L’Oreal Paris
    Science instructors and Science Olympiad coaches Jessica Daniel and Heather Jonson were featured alongside their Science Olympiad students in a promotional television spot sponsored by L’Oreal Paris, which premiered during “LEGO Masters” on FOX. The video spotlights women in STEM. To watch, please visit: https://bit.ly/3sYs9zc
  • Social Studies instructor and Model United Nations club advisor Lana Sawalha was named an Outstanding Educator by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes
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    Social Studies instructor and Model United Nations club advisor Lana Sawalha was named an Outstanding Educator by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes
    Social Studies instructor and Model United Nations club advisor Lana Sawalha was named an Outstanding Educator by the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes. Ms. Sawalha received this honor due to her excellent educational leadership skills and her efforts to enter multiple OCSA student projects in the 2023 National Discovery Award Competition, which gives students in grades 4-12 the opportunity to use their creative talents to tell the remarkable stories of unsung heroes who have inspired change.
  • Ballet, Pilates, & Yoga instructor Lauren Farris was accepted into the American Ballet Theater (ABT)’s invite-only Teaching Training Intensive at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts
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    Ballet, Pilates, & Yoga instructor Lauren Farris was accepted into the American Ballet Theater (ABT)’s invite-only Teaching Training Intensive at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts
    Ballet, Pilates, & Yoga instructor Lauren Farris was accepted into the American Ballet Theater (ABT)’s invite-only Teaching Training Intensive at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts. In the program, Ms. Farris will learn the theory and principles of the National Training Curriculum within the five levels of ballet.
  • Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was featured on KCAL News’ Class Act series
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    Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was featured on KCAL News’ Class Act series
    Orange County School of the Arts (OCSA) was featured on KCAL News’ Class Act series. The morning news segment featured what makes OCSA so special – specifically highlighting the Acting, Ballet Folklórico, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, Integrated Arts, and Popular Music Conservatories, in addition to showing off OCSA’s talented student artists. To view the video, please visit: https://bit.ly/3NhTd37
  • Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley
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    Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley
    Members of the OCSA Robotics Team were invited to compete at the One World Showcase Event at University of California, Berkeley. Five teams from OCSA competed against 115 other teams from around the country. One of the five teams, Z Squared, was composed of Olivia Lee (VA, ‘25), Sunny Li (IM, ‘24), and Samantha Park (IA, ‘25), making them one of the less than 5% of teams that were made of all female members. Z Squared placed 7th out of 115 in only their second year of robotics. Below is the full list of the OCSA students who participated in the One World Showcase Event.

    Shining Chen (CW, ‘26)
    Sumin Cho (IM, ‘25)
    Evan Choe (VA, ‘25)
    Rhea Dayal (VA, ‘28)
    Juneau Foxlin (IM, ‘26)
    Justin Hong (IM, ‘25)
    Peyton Hsu (AE, ‘27)
    Jason Lee (IM, ‘27)
    Olivia Lee (VA, ‘25)
    Sunny Li (IM, ‘24)
    Edward Luna (IM, ‘24)
    Danny O’Grady (IM, ‘24)
    Samantha Park (IA, ‘25)
    Taven Rong (IM, ‘28)
    Paul Seo (DM, ‘26)
    Kaya Simsek (CAH, ‘26)
    Kara Syn (IM, ‘24)
    George Weichel (PD, ‘27)
    Ryan Yoo (CAH, ‘25)
    Beatrice Yu (PM, ‘28)
    Jojo Yu (CMD, ‘25)
  • Christian Lopez won the Aaron Sanchez Scholarship through the Emeril Lagasse Foundation
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    Christian Lopez won the Aaron Sanchez Scholarship through the Emeril Lagasse Foundation
    Christian Lopez (CAH, ‘23) won the Aaron Sanchez Scholarship through the Emeril Lagasse Foundation. The opportunity includes full tuition to a Culinary Certificate Program at New Orleans Culinary & Hospitality Institute (NOCHI), as well as an internship with paid housing, food and travel stipends, and mentorship from Chef Aaron Sanchez and other star chefs.
  • Stephen Amsler (Elective Taekwondo Teacher) traveled to the Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea to test for his eighth-degree black belt
    0 67 Like 0 people like this
    Stephen Amsler (Elective Taekwondo Teacher) traveled to the Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea to test for his eighth-degree black belt
    Stephen Amsler (Elective Taekwondo Teacher) traveled to the Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea to test for his eighth-degree black belt. The process took months and involved a rigorous protocol that included a written 7,000 word thesis, a Board review of his curriculum vitae, submitting a five-hour work-out session, participating in a physical test with three Grand Master Instructors from the Board, and a video submission review from the Kukkiwon Technical Committee. Mr. Amsler successfully completed all the 8th degree black belt requirements and received Grand Master Instructor Status. There are only 305 8th degree black belts that reside in the United States – a one in a million percentile of the country’s population.
  • The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality took part in the CA Restaurant Foundation’s 2024 CA ProStart Cup presented by Wienerschnitzel – a culinary arts and restaurant entrepreneurship competition
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    The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality took part in the CA Restaurant Foundation’s 2024 CA ProStart Cup presented by Wienerschnitzel – a culinary arts and restaurant entrepreneurship competition
    The Mekjian Family Culinary Arts & Hospitality (CAH) took part in the California Restaurant Foundation’s 2024 CA ProStart Cup presented by Wienerschnitzel – a culinary arts and restaurant entrepreneurship competition held at the Long Beach Convention Center. Listed below are the CAH students who participated in the events. Students from First to Fifth Place teams were awarded a variety of scholarships from colleges across the nation.

    Culinary Team - 2nd Place, BJ’s Restaurants Culinary Cup
    Cooked a three-course meal, featuring seared halibut with sea buckthorn berry sauce, five spice maple duck breast, and chocolate bliss with matcha custard and mango puree
    Mia Horiguchi (CAH, ‘26)
    Stella Mulholland (CAH, ‘26)
    Jaren Tseng (CAH, ‘25)
    Trinity Wiideman (CAH, ‘24) - Captain

    Management Team - 1st Place, BJ’s Restaurants Management Cup
    Conceptualized a college sports-themed restaurant, Teddy’s – serving breakfast all day
    Emily Leo (CAH, ‘25)
    Max Madsen (CAH, ‘26)
    Tira Smith (CAH, ‘24) - Captain
    Cynthia Zhou (CAH, ‘26)

    Individual - Wienerschnitzel’s “Dress Your Dog” Hot Dog Topping Competition
    Camila Acevedo (CAH, ‘27)
    Declan Davey (CAH, ‘27)

    Individual - Loaded Idaho Baked Potato Competition
    Dani Park (CAH, ‘27)
    Scarlett Schmitt (CAH, ‘27) - 2nd Place

    ProStart Executive Mentor Program Winner
    Received a one-year mentorship with a restaurant executive and a scholarship for Blanchard Institute’s Student Self Leadership Training
    Jaren Tseng (CAH, ‘25)
  • OCSA students attended the National History Day Awards Ceremony
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    OCSA students attended the National History Day Awards Ceremony
    The following students attended the National History Day (NHD) Awards Ceremony. Five students advanced to State and were given the opportunity to compete in Sacramento with nearly 1,600 other talented students nationwide. Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26) and Emily Yi (VA, ‘26) won the National Qualifier for their research, titled “Nauseating a Nation: How the Jungle Turned the Stomach of America Into Legislation,” and will represent California in the National Championships at the University of Maryland.

    Advanced to Nationals
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Advanced to State
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Jamie Jung (CW, ‘24)
    Aarav Putrevu (CAH, ‘26)
    Julianne Wu (DM, ‘27)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Runner Ups
    Harlo Cozzens (ACT, ‘25)
    Harah Lee (VA, ‘26)
  • OCSA’s Model United Nations (MUN) Team took part in the Laguna Beach Invitational MUN Conference
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    OCSA’s Model United Nations (MUN) Team took part in the Laguna Beach Invitational MUN Conference
    OCSA’s Model United Nations (MUN) Team took part in the Laguna Beach Invitational MUN Conference at Laguna Beach High School. Under the guidance of Lana Sawalha (History Instructor and MUN Advisor), five students received Winning Gavels (Best Delegate Award).
  • Emily Leo, Max Madsen, Tira Smith, and Cynthia Zhou were crowned 2024 National Restaurant ProStart Invitational Champions
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    Emily Leo, Max Madsen, Tira Smith, and Cynthia Zhou were crowned 2024 National Restaurant ProStart Invitational Champions
    Emily Leo (CAH, ‘25), Max Madsen (CAH, ‘26), Tira Smith (CAH, ‘24), and Cynthia Zhou (CAH, ‘26) were crowned 2024 National Restaurant ProStart Invitational Champions in Baltimore, Maryland. They were coached by Chefs Paola Costa (Conservatory Instructor) and Daniel Mattos (Conservatory Director). The restaurant management team went up against 48 other teams from across the country and presented the winning concept of Teddy’s – a sports-centered restaurant that serves breakfast all day. Each member earned $10,000 worth of scholarships from Nationals, including other prizes such as books, journals, cutting boards, Yetis, and more. The event was also covered in an article by “Restaurant Business”, which can be read by visiting: https://bit.ly/3VeOB0T
  • OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April
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    OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April
    The following OCSA Taekwondo students successfully tested to higher level belts in April. Spearheaded by 8th degree black beIt Stephen Amsler (Elective Teacher), it was the largest graduation to date of OCSA students.

    3rd Degree Black Belt
    Chili Sloop (VA, ‘24)
    Luke Stark (FTV, ‘24)

    2nd Degree Black Belt
    Jenna Ho (VA, ‘26)
    John Kuli (ACT, ‘26)
    Nikun Liu (CV, ‘26)
    Eleazar Reiner (CW, ‘26)
    Luke Sakurai (IM, ‘26)

    1st Degree Black Belt
    Milan Albert-Holty (CW, ‘25)
    Roman Elson (ACT, ‘26)
    Grace Fleischmann (VA, ‘25)
    Jaya Gandhi (CW, ‘25)
    Tristan Gude (ACT, ‘26)
    Carissa Hahn (IM, ‘27)
    Yein Han (CW, ‘25)
    Ksena Eve Jenkins (IA, ‘26)
    Micah Kay (PD, ‘26)
    Brendan Knox (PM, ‘25)
    Ruby Lau (CW, ‘27)
    Alana Liang (CV, ‘26)
    Emma Nevell (PM, ‘27)
    Erica Park (FTV, ‘27)
    Nino Raimondo (IA, ‘27)
    Cole Schulein (CAH, ‘25)
    Thomas Song (IM, ‘25)
    Dylan Spence (VA, ‘26)
    Amina Straughn (VA, ‘27)
  • OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
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    OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    The following OCSA students, representing 13 conservatories, raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events.

    Ella Mortensen (CV, ‘25)
    Leah Navarro (CV, ‘26)
    Elysse Nguyen (MT, ‘26)
    Saya Nishimura (IM, ‘26)
    Kai Orozco (JS, ‘26)
    Alec Ortega-Fosado (CV, ‘25)
    Caroline Risk (VA, ‘26)
    Xavier Saenze (PM, ‘29)
    Zaid Salazar (CV, ‘26)
    Viveka Saravanan (CV, ‘24)
    Haley Scott (CW, ‘26)
    Nikki Smith (CV, ‘25)
    Teresa Smith (MT ‘26)
    Adam Strychaz (CAH, ‘26)
    Heather Torres-Cancino (BR, ‘26)
    Alessandra Venegas (CAH, ‘26)
    Sophia Vernon (MT, ‘26)
    Lavinia Watkins (CV, ‘26)
    Aniya Wilkins (ACT, ‘26)
    James Williams (BR, ‘26)
    Jack Wilson (CV, ‘25)
    Paxton Wong (CV, ‘25)
    Cynthia Zhang (BR, ‘27)
  • Vanessa Cortez received her certification in Ethnic Studies Education from the University of California, Riverside
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    Vanessa Cortez received her certification in Ethnic Studies Education from the University of California, Riverside
    Vanessa Cortez, OCSA conservatory instructor and Thespians director, received her certification in Ethnic Studies Education from the University of California, Riverside. Her achievement will help create a classroom environment that represents diverse student perspectives, produces culturally competent and global citizens, and celebrates diversity as a commitment to greater social change.
  • OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship
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    OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship
    The following OCSA students were recipients of the 2024 Dragon Kim Foundation Fellowship. The Dragon Kim Fellowship program includes six months of training, mentorship, and hands-on leadership to help students launch community-changing project ideas from start to finish. Some OCSA students worked together for their projects, while some worked alongside students from other schools. See below for the project names and their OCSA fellows.

    Community Canvas
    Luke Shin (VA, ‘25)
    Olivia Yun (VA, ‘25)

    Vedant Dayal (CW, ‘25)
    Ashima Sharma (CW, ‘25)

    Little Steps
    Samantha Bailey (VA, ‘26)
    Maiya Leung (DM, ‘26)
    Emily Yi (VA, ‘26)

    Ava Villacorta (MT, ‘27)

    Meal Mentors
    Elizabeth Bancroft (BR, ‘26)
    Stella Mulholland (CAH, ‘26)
    Talia Rosenblatt (AE, ‘26)

    The Joy of Dance
    Aaron Chang (CMD, ‘26)
    Devin Vo (IA, ‘25)
  • Habitat for Humanity OCSA was the first student club in Orange County to be approved for a playhouse build
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    Habitat for Humanity OCSA was the first student club in Orange County to be approved for a playhouse build
    Habitat for Humanity OCSA was the first student club in Orange County to be approved for a playhouse build. The custom playhouse, built and painted by OCSA students, was placed at the Boys & Girls Club of Garden Grove for children to enjoy.
  • OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    0 53 Like 0 people like this
    OCSA students raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events
    The following OCSA students, representing 13 conservatories, raised over $30,000 for Maui Wildfire victims by volunteering and sharing their talents at the Music for Maui Benefit Concert and Pop-up Events.

    Katie Baker (IM, ‘25)
    Carleigh Beckner (CV, ‘26)
    Hank Braverman (PM, ‘26)
    Olivia Bullock (CV, ‘26)
    Natalia Campos (ACT, ‘27)
    Natalia Caraveo (CV ‘25)
    Tiffany Carr (CV, ‘26)
    Cosi Chekardzhikov (BR, ‘25)
    Trent Chickering (PM, ‘26)
    Grant Conroy (CV, ‘25)
    Ashwin Desai (PM, ‘26)
    Kira Efimenko (DM, ‘26)
    Hayden Ficht (PD, ‘25)
    Caitlin Francisco (PM, ‘25)
    Gianna Gourley (MT, ‘27)
    Reese Guenther-Clark (CV, ‘27)
    Evani Gulati (MT, ‘26)
    Julian Gwin (MT, ‘26)
    Claire Harmsen (PM, ‘26)
    Hanna Heger (CW, ‘26)
    Matthew Henderson (CV, ‘25)
    Zane Hermann (PM, ‘25)
    Lucy Hunter (FTV, ‘26)
    Sky Keyoung (CV, ‘25)
    Alyssa Kim (MT, ‘26)
    Avni Krishnamoorthy (PM, ‘26)
    Emma Ladisky (MT, ‘26)
    Ayn Liu (CAH, ‘26)
    David Liu (CAH, ‘25)
    Liam Majerus (BR, ‘27)
    Sydney Malone (CV, ‘26)
    Rylee Miyoshi (BR, ‘28)
    Paige Morgan (CV, ‘25)