Health Office General Information

Mon–Thurs: 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Fridays and Non-Conservatory Days: 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Phone: 714.560.0900 ext. 4101
Fax: 714.564.3294

The Health Office is located in the Media and Arts Center, also known as the “Tech Building.” The Heath Office is available to students and staff Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A Licensed Vocational Nurse is available during the school day for health care needs. Some of the services provided include the evaluation of illness and injuries, health assessments for vision, hearing, and the confidential management of all health related issues, medical records, and emergency records.

Please call if you have any questions or concerns.


If a student becomes ill or injured while at school, he/she will receive every care and consideration. Parents/guardians will be contacted for injuries of a serious nature or if a student is too ill to remain at school. If the student needs to go home for an injury a representative from OCSA will contact the parent/guardian. Students will be released through the Health Office in collaboration with the attendance office. OCSA’s Health Office is always happy to consult with parents regarding health problems. However, please note that injuries which occur at home should be cared for at home.

If your child has ONE of the following, they should be kept at home:

a) Illness with a fever of 100.0 or greater

b) Illness that affects your child’s ability to participate in class

c) Vomiting and/or diarrhea

d) Fever of 100.0 or greater within the last 24 hours

e) Initiation of antibiotics within the past 24 hours

Upon return to school after any extended illness or communicable disease the student should follow up with the Health Office.


California Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375:

Under these statutes, children in California are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools, childcare centers, family day care homes, nursery schools, day nurseries, and developmental centers.

Schools, childcare centers, and family child care homes are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports.

California Code of Regulations Title 17 Division 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 8: 

These regulations specify California school immunization requirements and provide additional clarifications of the law. Also available at

Shots for School -

Immunization Requirements -

Immunizations may be given by your family physician or are available at area clinics. Call the clinics for information regarding days, times, fees, and appointments. Information on vaccination clinics can be found at the following links:

Orange County

Los Angeles County

Riverside County

San Bernardino County

San Diego County


Parents are urged to adhere to the following Health and Safety Code of California:

If your child shows symptoms of illness during the night, please keep him/her home the following day. Those staying home at the onset of illness recuperate faster and miss fewer days of school. Notify the school immediately when communicable disease is suspected or diagnosed.


If any injury or illness occurs after a student arrives at school, the student is not to contact the parent directly. Rather, the student is to inform the teacher of the injury or illness and then request a pass to the Health Office. Students feeling weak or faint will be accompanied to the office. If a student requires longer than a 15-minute rest, a parent will be contacted and asked to pick up the child so proper care and attention can be given at home. Parents, or a parent designee, must be available to pick a child up within 30 minutes of a call from the school. Current phone numbers MUST be updated with the school’s Student Services office at all times!

Every effort is made to provide for the student’s safety and comfort at school. If a student should have an accident or injury at school, first aid will be given immediately to make sure the student is as comfortable as possible. If an injury is more serious than a simple bruise or a scrape, parents will be called. If parents are unavailable, and in the judgment of a school administrator, emergency treatment is needed, paramedics will be called.

Following a severe injury or illness, a note must be received from the family physician stating that the student is cleared to return to school. The physician must also order the use of wheelchairs, crutches, or other activity limitations or restrictions.

*Students must come to the Health Office to be assessed prior to contacting their parents. Failure to do so may result in a referral.


If you have already arranged with your student to pick up at a specified time of the day, please write a letter stating the reason and time of release and have your student take it to the Attendance Office before school. If you forget to write a note, please email You will receive a reply from us when your email is received. You may also call 714-560-0900 Ext. 6170, and we will do our best to release your student on time.


The Health Office will issue PE/Conservatory passes for up to three days for the specified condition with a note written by the parent/guardian of the student. After three days, a note from the student’s physician must be provided. Students who do not have a note are to ask their teacher to sit out for the day. If a teacher allows a student to sit out multiple times, they may send the student to the Health Office to get parent permission or request a doctor’s note.


Elevator passes will be issued for up to three days for the specified condition with a note written by the parent/guardian of the student. After three days, a note from the student’s physician must be provided. The physician’s note must state the reason for the pass and the length of time the pass is to be issued. Students with year‐long elevator passes must provide a new doctor’s note at the beginning of each school year.


The following information relates to the administration of medication at the Orange County School of the Arts in accordance with the California Education Code (Section 49423). Medical treatment is the responsibility of the parent and the physician; medications are rarely given at school. The only exceptions involve special or serious problems where it is deemed absolutely necessary to give the medication during school hours, and where it is not possible for the parent to administer it to the child. Consequently, the parent is urged, with the help of the physician, to work out a schedule of giving medication outside school hours.

In order for school staff to administer medication (prescription or over‐the‐counter) to a student; specific orders must be written and signed by the student’s physician on the “Parent/Guardian and Authorized Health Care Provider Request for Medication” form which is available below. Any time the medication, the dosage, or the time is changed, a new form is required. Each request must clearly specify the name of the medication, the reason for the medication, and the dose, numerical time, and/or frequency for administering the medication. A separate form is required for each medication. A parent signature giving authorization to administer the medication is also required on the form. The Health Office will not accept medication without a valid “Parent/Guardian and Authorized Health Care Provider Request for Medication.” No exceptions will be made.

Medication must be in the student’s original labeled container and delivered to the Health Office in a large 10” x 10” resealable zipper clear plastic storage bag labeled with the student’s name. Over-the-counter medications must be brand new and in the original packaging. All medications may not expire prior to the end of the school year. An adult age 18+ who is not currently a student at the school must sign in and sign out medication at the Health Office during office hours. Students are not allowed to bring medication to school.

*Epipens and Inhalers: students may carry emergency medication on their person only if a signed Medication Authorization Form is on file in the Health Office. This form must be renewed every school year.

*OCSA Health Office does not supply any over-the-counter medication.


Each year, parents will be updating student health information in Aeries during online registration during the summer. The following additional forms may be required based on specific health conditions:

Select a link below to download a form:

  • Allergy Form – for students who need medical attention if exposed to allergen.

  • Medication Authorization Form – Parents must submit one form per medication, which includes over‐the‐counter medication and must be renewed every school year.

  • Multiple Medication Form – If multiple medications will be needed for the same reason, this form must be filled out by the doctor along with the Medication Authorization Form for each medication. This form will indicate to the Health Office the order in which medications are to be administered.

  • Medical Exemption Form ― required only for students who either have not been vaccinated, or have been only partially vaccinated. This form requires a doctor's signature and only applies when the exemption is due to physical condition or medical circumstance. 

  • School Participation Following Injury Form ― a note must be received from a physician stating that the student is cleared to return to school. The physician must also order the use of wheelchairs, crutches, or other activity limitations or restrictions by filling out this form.

Please request these forms from the Health Office:

  • Seizure Action Form

  • Diabetic Care Plan