
The purpose of the After-School Student Program (ASP), also known as "Homework Club," is to enhance and support the growth of students in grades 7 and 8 enrolled in OCSA through the provision of an affordable, safe, caring, after-school environment. The program goals are to provide guidance and care, in a quiet environment, for students to complete homework, which acts as an extension of home, school, and community.


  • The program is available on all school days except the following dates: August 16 (Welcome Festival), September 27 (middle school event), December 19 (staff holiday), April 25 (middle school event).

  • Location: Tower 108/110

  • Hours: Monday through Thursday 3:30-5:30 p.m. and non-conservatory days and Fridays from 2:35-5:30 p.m. 

  • All students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m.


  • $10.00 daily fee will be charged to a student’s OCard each day that a student attends the program using their student ID number. For billing purposes, a $10.00 fee is charged for any period of attendance for the day. If a student does not have funds on their OCard and must attend, their account will be debited and funds can be added to their account after attendance.

  • 凡符合 "全国学校午餐计划"(National SchoolLunchProgram条件的家庭,且本学年的"OCSA 免费/减价午餐计划 "申请已获批准存档,均可获得资助。 如需了解更多信息,请访问www.ocsarts.net/FRLP,或通过becky.parsons@ocsarts.net或 714-560-0900 分机 5535 与 Becky Parsons 联系。


  • OCSA Closed-Campus Policy: Loitering on the outskirts of campus, in the street, or in surrounding neighborhoods is not allowed. If students in grades 7 and 8 remain at school due to transportation needs, they must report to the Homework Club by 4 p.m. or be subject to behavior consequences and the daily fee for Homework Club will be assessed on their account.

  • 因病请假的学生当天不得上课。

  • All School-Wide Behavior Expectations remain in effect during the program.

  • 学生应做好准备,安静地完成作业,不得干扰他人。如果学生的行为扰乱了学习环境,可能会被开除。

  • Students who carpool and/or ride the bus/train will be dismissed at 4:45 p.m. as a group and students may be released to attend special on-campus activities as necessary.

For questions about the After-School Student Program (ASP), please contact the Homework Club Coordinator, Patrick Thompson at hw.club@ocsarts.net, or the ASP teacher during ASP hours at (714) 560-0900 ext. 6001 (please note that this phone is only active during ASP program hours).